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后端资料区 今日: 1 |主题: 5778|排名: 7 

求一个 关于ccs model的paper devopetent 2009-11-6 12490 devopetent 2009-12-8 10:20
相逢恨晚 superviky 2009-11-30 12305 paneric 2009-12-4 12:54
SOC Verfication Methodology and Techniques attachment qhl0222_cn 2009-6-21 11717 mich_xia 2009-12-2 15:32
Synopsys DC 编译器文档 attachment cacc 2009-9-21 42180 destiny21 2009-11-26 20:04
cadence讲义_清华 attachment seaman_516 2008-4-23 72824 shenjun 2009-11-26 06:38
IC设计流程和设计方法 attachment  ...234 r65840 2006-12-31 308511 shenjun 2009-11-26 06:35
培训教材 attachment  ...23 lhwtrht 2006-12-31 236850 wuquanxing 2009-11-18 17:08
【ebook】Interconnection Noise in VLSI Circuits pie.magic 2009-8-9 22597 tomsen 2009-11-17 00:08
哪位有silicon ensembel 软件,可否共享下?非常感谢! forry 2009-11-15 23080 forry 2009-11-16 18:34
Advanced.Chip.Synthesis attachment hoverwang 2009-4-17 52156 hqqhfly 2009-11-6 00:02
Systemverilog for Verification attachment qhl0222_cn 2009-6-21 11849 kuroky 2009-11-5 19:45
文献管理专家,研友的好帮手 attachment fang_shi 2009-10-9 12198 lixqing 2009-11-4 08:03
FPGA数字系统设计 attachment yhzhangstrive 2009-9-30 82823 lixqing 2009-11-4 07:57
复旦Nios教材 attachment  ...2 harry804 2008-6-20 124100 qixueli001 2009-11-3 12:38
TCAD求助 welly 2009-10-30 11998 welly 2009-10-30 10:58
有关OV7725 junyunlai 2009-10-29 05033 junyunlai 2009-10-29 08:41
运行DEVISE时,出现SEGMENTION FAULT的问题 loogwen 2009-10-27 02068 loogwen 2009-10-27 11:00
鸟语版 soc encounter 使用指南,哪位兄弟帮翻译。 wolfkin 2009-10-20 33237 fairyline 2009-10-22 15:33
perl4 英文 attachment zhangzf9074 2008-9-14 32080 chxibin 2009-10-19 19:32
复旦大学集成电路设计讲义 attachment jianbaox 2009-7-20 82690 persempre 2009-10-11 21:58
基于STM32的USB程序开发笔记 attachment cacc 2009-9-22 22742 ntl381281541 2009-10-11 18:26
设计基础 attachment yhzhangstrive 2009-9-30 93933 ntl381281541 2009-10-11 18:07
QuarusII中文使用入门 attachment juzizhao222 2009-9-15 33526 javenguo 2009-10-11 15:18
latchup? pgx133 2009-9-25 12472 lzexiang 2009-10-11 09:09
有人 传传 有关ESD /LATCH UP 保护的资料么 icfbicfb 2009-4-1 12016 sara 2009-10-9 11:35
pspice中文教程 taoying 2009-9-29 22605 NANHU_BRUCE 2009-10-4 09:21
pcb设计与emc测试 attachment  ...2 yjk-156 2009-4-24 114790 5gougou 2009-10-3 10:39
Formality 2007.06 User Guide attachment  ...23 asic_zzz 2008-4-27 225603 永恒的花火 2009-9-28 11:02
DSP入门手册 attachment tangrui 2006-8-25 42859 mmmqqqjjj 2009-9-28 07:09
Perl语言教程part3 attachment  ...2 hahababy 2006-11-20 134900 mmmqqqjjj 2009-9-28 07:01
Perl语言教程part5 attachment  ...2 hahababy 2006-11-20 104837 mmmqqqjjj 2009-9-28 06:27
Guide to Sugar from IBM attachment wolfqfy 2007-4-18 12467 mmmqqqjjj 2009-9-28 06:04
esd 判定? pgx133 2009-9-25 12030 grant6168 2009-9-27 07:27
基于IP的IC设计技术 attachment xwwen 2008-2-19 92990 hmilyfx 2009-9-26 20:49
fpga快速入门 attachment  ...2345 newyibu 2009-3-3 418790 marvolus 2009-9-25 23:25
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