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后端资料区 今日: 0|主题: 5752|排名: 10 

Formality 2007.06 User Guide attachment  ...23 asic_zzz 2008-4-27 225524 永恒的花火 2009-9-28 11:02
DSP入门手册 attachment tangrui 2006-8-25 42816 mmmqqqjjj 2009-9-28 07:09
Perl语言教程part3 attachment  ...2 hahababy 2006-11-20 134870 mmmqqqjjj 2009-9-28 07:01
Perl语言教程part5 attachment  ...2 hahababy 2006-11-20 104789 mmmqqqjjj 2009-9-28 06:27
Guide to Sugar from IBM attachment wolfqfy 2007-4-18 12452 mmmqqqjjj 2009-9-28 06:04
esd 判定? pgx133 2009-9-25 12008 grant6168 2009-9-27 07:27
基于IP的IC设计技术 attachment xwwen 2008-2-19 92966 hmilyfx 2009-9-26 20:49
fpga快速入门 attachment  ...2345 newyibu 2009-3-3 418632 marvolus 2009-9-25 23:25
PCB Desing and allegro问答 attachment hh_2004hh 2009-9-21 12010 lhtlht888 2009-9-24 15:26
StarRC 问题? pgx133 2009-9-24 03996 pgx133 2009-9-24 14:54
StarRC 问题? pgx133 2009-9-24 01970 pgx133 2009-9-24 14:53
【求助高手】Sdram“刷新”是否会中断读、写操作和预充电? wxxhn 2009-9-23 01830 wxxhn 2009-9-23 11:30
用MDK在RAM中调试程序的方法 attachment cacc 2009-9-22 62922 root2020 2009-9-22 22:18
Realview MDK中编译器对中断处理的过程详解 attachment cacc 2009-9-22 52378 root2023 2009-9-22 22:17
STM32F10xxx闪存编程 attachment cacc 2009-9-22 21736 root2023 2009-9-22 22:04
Realveiw MDK中图形化界面配置详解 attachment cacc 2009-9-22 01821 cacc 2009-9-22 20:10
StarRC 问题? pgx133 2009-9-22 04424 pgx133 2009-9-22 17:37
StarRC 问题? pgx133 2009-9-22 02431 pgx133 2009-9-22 17:33
allegro入门视频 attachment  ...23 cyruscyx 2008-9-5 275949 sunkaittt 2009-9-17 11:20
用Synplify设计安全可靠的状态机 attachment pyu78 2006-8-29 93250 psd0208 2009-9-16 08:32
Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits attachment qhl0222_cn 2009-6-21 11880 juzizhao222 2009-9-15 22:22
请问notch属于什么错误啊,怎么在astro里面改正 frankie1 2009-9-8 21787 jkwlyn0914 2009-9-15 12:32
Astro CTS 精华 attachment  ...2 asicyl 2006-12-6 165560 zrzf23 2009-9-15 09:24
哪位英雄美女知道怎样安装Synopsys installer 2.0,出问题了!!! wxxhn 2009-9-10 02318 wxxhn 2009-9-10 18:23
有没那个网站有比较新有关通信行业的消息的? guojimilan11 2009-9-2 12053 magmaqk 2009-9-10 12:23
请问有比较好的布线工具资料码? iryou001 2009-9-9 01693 iryou001 2009-9-9 15:18
关于约束问题 frankie1 2009-9-8 11714 ckzuan 2009-9-8 16:02
请教高手:vcs后仿用到的网表是哪个网表啊 frankie1 2009-9-8 02135 frankie1 2009-9-8 14:07
求license farewellxy 2009-9-8 01943 farewellxy 2009-9-8 00:08
伯克利讲义 attachment smilewangyiqi 2008-4-1 22122 dcqor 2009-9-4 17:31
VHDL Programming by Example attachment qhl0222_cn 2009-6-21 31859 lwj8527 2009-9-3 16:25
Calibre中文资料 wxxuzhong 2008-5-28 53558 peterthegreatlu 2009-8-28 19:53
US Navy VHDL Modelling Guide attachment qingwatiaowu 2008-8-15 32583 peterthegreatlu 2009-8-28 19:09
汉诺塔游戏机 attachment sunweiook 2009-8-16 12002 peterthegreatlu 2009-8-28 18:59
se (cadence tool) introduction) attachment slzhu 2007-10-4 32524 peterthegreatlu 2009-8-28 18:36
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