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密歇根州立大学的Cadence常见疑难问题解决文档 attachment icroom 2009-6-8 31803 icroom 2009-6-15 11:45
matlab入门与精通 attachment wujianqiubai 2009-5-27 12113 nuaajp 2009-6-6 10:34
现代半导体器件物理.part1 attachment coming 2007-8-17 82819 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 22:36
TCL经典語法與指令 attachment wxxuzhong 2008-12-22 82571 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 20:22
ISE7.1i中文教程 attachment wxxuzhong 2008-5-18 11751 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 20:12
嵌入式系统设计 attachment wlyneuq 2008-12-29 16169 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 20:11
amba簡介.pdf attachment  ...2 zdbx 2007-11-22 114018 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 20:10
静态时序分析(Static Timing Analysis)基础及应用 attachment mygod200 2009-1-13 32467 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 20:00
关于举办DSP(TMS320C6000)设计高级研修班的通知 china_dsp 2006-8-24 33044 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 19:46
eetopeetopeetop attachment aa123_123 2009-2-1 11991 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 19:42
培训教材-color_slides_SOCE_3_3.rar attachment lhwtrht 2006-12-31 32744 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 19:35
台湾国家晶元设计中心VHDL内部培训资料 attachment bagoal 2008-4-23 92987 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 18:52
ISE7.li完全教程,QuartusII 4.2 使用总结,Max Plus II 软件使用介绍(VHDL) attachment qhjiang 2009-1-2 33842 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 18:47
EMC 普及 attachment JPLI 2009-6-4 02082 JPLI 2009-6-4 12:18
Astro的布局与布线流程 attachment MonQ 2009-5-18 31841 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 10:41
如何阅读Datasheet attachment jerry198408 2009-5-25 11994 benjamen 2009-6-2 10:09
集成电路的后端设计 attachment 卿小 2009-4-5 22084 harrison415 2009-5-30 23:10
求助:calibre LVS and DRC warning and error stephen-dong 2009-5-23 39161 stephen-dong 2009-5-29 12:03
可编程器件应用专题 attachment liangjlong 2009-5-28 11976 11235 2009-5-28 23:19
Cadence规则约束 attachment icroom 2009-5-18 32164 jerry198408 2009-5-25 15:12
MATLAB 主要函数指令表 attachment wxxuzhong 2008-5-16 85759 sjingf 2009-5-23 21:26
modelsim后防 attachment ic1130 2009-5-23 03839 ic1130 2009-5-23 00:46
请问哪位大侠有appollo 的linux版软件 asdmnbvc 2009-5-18 22713 yueywcy 2009-5-22 08:47
Synthesisautobx.rar Synthesis自动布局布线 attachment icroom 2009-5-18 02529 icroom 2009-5-18 19:49
Astro的布局与布线流程 attachment MonQ 2009-5-18 01938 MonQ 2009-5-18 14:00
cadence story attachment painter_jia 2009-5-18 12131 painter_jia 2009-5-18 13:09
Synthesis and Verification Design Guide attachment wjccentury 2009-3-21 32222 yahoonicole 2009-5-15 22:30
ISE使用详解 attachment eagle217 2009-4-11 13248 bettys 2009-5-15 10:55
KEIL 录像教程 attachment YIYOUMU 2009-5-12 22640 bluebetta 2009-5-14 11:12
时序资料 attachment zlmdemail 2009-5-8 33278 ys82 2009-5-13 17:49
menter的资料!! attachment seaman_516 2008-4-23 32725 ecijun 2009-5-12 20:22
COM2001A说明 attachment YIYOUMU 2009-5-12 01851 YIYOUMU 2009-5-12 16:44
51 C 语言 attachment YIYOUMU 2009-5-12 01942 YIYOUMU 2009-5-12 16:34
汉语字典 YIYOUMU 2009-5-12 02199 YIYOUMU 2009-5-12 12:10
单片机实验 attachment YIYOUMU 2009-5-12 01925 YIYOUMU 2009-5-12 11:49
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