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后端资料区 今日: 1 |主题: 5803|排名: 12 

DC trainning培训 attachment geniusyinhang 2008-11-11 52866 13915044350 2009-4-22 13:31
如何写好状态机 attachment dongqiny 2009-3-16 52089 knightliu 2009-4-20 23:15
pcb工艺规范34 attachment hhfhfhhhfh 2009-4-18 01790 hhfhfhhhfh 2009-4-18 18:34
pcb工艺规范33 attachment hhfhfhhhfh 2009-4-18 01941 hhfhfhhhfh 2009-4-18 18:31
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB attachment hoverwang 2009-4-17 02030 hoverwang 2009-4-17 09:25
中国科学期刊引证报告(CSCD 2007) attachment zhanyh 2009-4-13 22255 zhanyh 2009-4-13 01:29
t可编程逻辑器件与应用专题(清华) attachment eagle217 2009-4-12 02658 eagle217 2009-4-12 00:23
大家能不能少灌点manual 之类的 icfbicfb 2009-4-8 22227 greenalau 2009-4-9 09:59
集成电路设计里的关键字(超有用) attachment liuhongyu0414 2009-4-8 12140 target_fd 2009-4-8 23:42
UNIX教材V2_0 attachment huhanlin 2009-3-12 42250 liusupeng 2009-4-4 13:04
讲makefile 的中文资料 attachment icfbicfb 2009-3-26 11992 xuanxuan 2009-4-2 11:16
protel 自绘常用封装 希望大家能用得上 attachment 青柠小可 2009-4-2 02167 青柠小可 2009-4-2 09:25
FPGA最有价值的27例 attachment  ...23 christophery 2008-9-15 296296 fengquanyou 2009-3-31 22:53
请教建模的问题 zhangdl02 2009-3-27 02079 zhangdl02 2009-3-27 17:24
半导体芯片的测试 attachment  ...23 dustin.han 2006-12-30 236009 风纪扣 2009-3-24 19:49
寻学习dc的好资料!! heji81 2006-9-24 32957 thereheis 2009-3-24 12:16
发个仿真器 attachment datone520 2009-3-9 12505 stephen-dong 2009-3-20 10:24
Design Compiler中文教程PPT Vibwave 2008-3-3 83781 yanlizhangzyl 2009-3-18 23:34
求 verilog 教材 zqtzm 2009-3-18 02724 zqtzm 2009-3-18 22:41
arm网站最新更新amba协议 attachment jawa5277 2009-3-17 02150 jawa5277 2009-3-17 11:04
VHDL sample attachment pyu78 2006-8-29 63357 maochrng 2009-3-7 23:09
cadence资料 attachment akar 2009-3-2 32340 einsteiarx 2009-3-5 16:27
about encounter reading the lef file? cihchenlin 2008-2-26 13974 cosmosd 2009-2-28 17:15
problem: distance of diff/metal/poly sevid 2009-2-26 02255 sevid 2009-2-26 22:26
Astro_userguide(续) attachment  ...2 laview 2006-8-2 125084 zhumaomao 2009-2-25 21:06
PPT课件Digital Integrated Circuits-A Design Perspective attachment wdlpss 2008-11-28 33264 pp3m 2009-2-9 12:23
【】 attachment coolclark 2009-1-12 22059 tianhang 2009-2-5 13:01
ASIC设计教程 attachment wushwush 2007-5-19 93720 ericxgj 2009-2-2 16:16
fpga经验谈 attachment Searcher_NO1 2007-9-12 22713 phoenixpiggy 2009-2-1 11:29
靜態時序分析(Static Timing Analysis)基礎及應用  ...2 pengdaimin 2006-7-3 186758 phoenixpiggy 2009-2-1 11:12
eetop attachment aa123_123 2009-2-1 02090 aa123_123 2009-2-1 10:52
cadence讲义 广宁的森林 2006-9-1 63947 thesuperc 2009-1-29 17:09
疑惑:请大家帮忙看看,谢谢! attachment ddrr 2006-11-26 32983 thesuperc 2009-1-29 16:58 一个新建的集成电路设计网站 wxxuzhong 2009-1-26 02274 wxxuzhong 2009-1-26 11:41
国内IC通信公司访谈,代表行业最新动向 attachment dsp100 2008-10-28 22503 dsp100 2009-1-25 09:17
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