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华为内部技术资料《同步电路设计规范 》 attachment  ...23456..12 zjrainman 2006-12-11 11614195 edalover 2010-3-10 12:01
Reuse Methodology Manual Third Edition.pdf attachment  ...23 robotone 2005-8-19 254904 edalover 2010-3-10 11:51
IC 设计经典系列 attachment  ...234 stone_bone 2006-12-9 335448 edalover 2010-3-10 11:50
[资料] S3C44B0X_datasheet.pdf 下载 attachment hattic 2010-3-10 01398 hattic 2010-3-10 11:01
SNUG BOSTON 2008 ALL PAPAERS attachment  ...2345 maxsnail 2008-8-15 445162 edalover 2010-3-10 10:50
【 Digital Design and Fabrication 】 attachment  ...234 bbssoft 2009-4-19 384808 edalover 2010-3-10 10:07
C*Core的相关资料 attachment  ...23 overmarscai 2004-11-8 235174 edalover 2010-3-10 09:51
[麻省理工学院-算法导论] .Second.Edition zweishi 2008-11-17 51936 zlhrsy 2010-3-10 09:32
[资料] FPGA设计经验谈(翻译版) attachment  ...234 shenlei_cn 2010-2-6 325387 海盗 2010-3-10 09:02
VHDL语言详解(修正版)资料 attachment  ...2 feng2003 2007-12-28 153104 choplin 2010-3-9 18:27
Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips attachment  ...234 ahii 2008-6-23 356325 edalover 2010-3-9 14:45
DSP: Designing for Optimal Results_High-Performance DSP.Using.V4.FPGA attachment glenchan 2009-5-13 22395 edalover 2010-3-9 14:16
验证方法学的很好的资料 attachment  ...2 tjulz 2008-3-2 1023445 edalover 2010-3-9 12:07
design material attachment steam_cao 2009-3-2 21240 edalover 2010-3-9 10:30
Practical FPGA Programming in C attachment  ...2 qq098 2008-4-14 122619 edalover 2010-3-9 10:28
[资料] FPGA资料 attachment uyuy777 2010-3-5 61930 FrancisFan 2010-3-9 10:06
ESD0207: Designing Custum Embedded Multicore Processors opqrst 2007-2-14 82701 eexuke 2010-3-9 01:31
basic timing knowledge attachment  ...23 ichliebewr 2006-8-23 274176 lewishamil 2010-3-8 18:25
[资料] FPGA开发全攻略 attachment  ...2 djcumt 2010-3-8 112822 qlengyu 2010-3-8 16:49
最简洁的QUARTUS 教程中文 attachment  ...2 heal119 2007-1-2 143895 wangduo 2010-3-8 16:35
[资料] Xilinx_FPGA开发全攻略 bb5013 2010-3-8 01858 bb5013 2010-3-8 14:03
altera: Understand metastable in FPGA attachment usb_geek 2009-8-20 92496 zlhrsy 2010-3-8 10:02
Advanced FPGA Design attachment  ...234 liuliqiang 2008-4-12 313824 pkf690801 2010-3-8 09:30
[资料] 请问各位达人什么是滚降 yangjing113 2009-12-21 35187 yangjing113 2010-3-8 09:13
An embeded system approach using verilog attachment leica_m7 2009-2-4 51619 lansky 2010-3-7 21:18
老扁:有没有这些书? goodhope 2005-7-15 32937 zhuwuzeng 2010-3-7 15:33
[求助] PCB板设计中各种器件的介绍 xbc3269 2010-2-1 41883 lansky 2010-3-7 14:27
[原创] FPGA 设计的准则 attachment xinyuyg 2010-2-6 31666 lansky 2010-3-7 14:14
[原创] FPGA影像處理演算法的編譯與最佳化 attachment zjllh 2010-2-15 21521 lansky 2010-3-7 13:20
[资料] DXP覆铜 attachment xbc3269 2010-2-1 12038 smiley 2010-3-7 02:32
[讨论] ADC的测试求教 xbc3269 2010-2-1 32254 smiley 2010-3-7 02:28
[资料] 利用FPGA的多時脈設計策略 attachment Chi_Ho_Wong 2010-2-6 21486 smiley 2010-3-7 02:19
ing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays.part04 attachment jearome 2005-9-20 22314 smiley 2010-3-7 02:01
ing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays.part05 attachment jearome 2005-9-20 22217 smiley 2010-3-7 01:59
ing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays.part03 attachment jearome 2005-9-20 13604 smiley 2010-3-7 01:57
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