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IP qualification guidelines attachment jjjccc 2007-3-14 83184 oliversitp 2010-3-1 16:28
FPGA&SOPC快速入门教程 attachment macro2001 2006-12-9 31946 Maxchang 2010-3-1 13:26
MSP430 3V与5V混合系统中逻辑器接口问题 attachment amin2008 2008-6-29 41517 llj2000 2010-3-1 12:59
分享幾篇數字設計的教程. attachment  ...2 wjdai 2005-1-20 143805 lansky 2010-2-28 21:27
验证问题 求救 急!!! limpbizkit22 2005-11-23 32080 lansky 2010-2-28 21:24
Verilog HDL数字设计与综合 夏宇闻译(第二版)Part2 attachment  ...23456..9 successtiange 2006-8-24 8012141 stanzone 2010-2-28 21:18
FPGA设计(设计思想与技巧) attachment  ...2 xmulin 2008-12-17 122074 zhuifeng1002 2010-2-28 21:13
[资料] 状态机资料 attachment xiaoyeyyf 2010-2-1 43100 lansky 2010-2-28 17:01
Top-down digital design flow attachment  ...2 vivace 2007-12-2 163982 lansky 2010-2-28 16:08
Prentice_Design_Verification_With_E_Ebook.chm attachment  ...2 free2bird 2007-6-14 143133 lansky 2010-2-28 15:50
一周一章学会ASIC attachment  ...234 shawkle 2007-11-1 374015 lansky 2010-2-28 15:36
Verilog大量例程 attachment  ...2 littletreeggg 2009-10-23 173486 lansky 2010-2-28 15:12
[资料] VHDL设计风格3册 attachment 家和兜兜 2010-1-27 31864 lansky 2010-2-28 15:00
another good book for systemverilog verification dolphinfly 2009-9-30 24895 kajaljain 2010-2-28 14:59
[原创] 免费下载大量行业研究报告的地方 josh1118 2010-2-26 42125 yulizi 2010-2-27 11:19
數位訊號處理架構設計 Unfolding attachment auster 2006-10-2 72623 raislin 2010-2-27 06:05
[求助] 紧急求TW2815的资料 gongxiao 2010-2-26 01636 gongxiao 2010-2-26 16:39
berkeley university -- EECS Course _eric 2008-5-28 23558 csfan007 2010-2-26 16:05
[2008新书]Computational Complexity: A Conceptual Perspective attachment cotterie 2008-6-23 72269 edalover 2010-2-26 15:03
[资料] VHDL Programming by Example(McGraw.Hill著) attachment rhythm_bin 2010-2-26 01310 rhythm_bin 2010-2-26 10:04
状态机资料 attachment sxtz531 2009-11-13 51463 wanghaiguang 2010-2-26 09:14
Verificatiom_Methodology_Manual_for_System_Verilog attachment sports 2007-6-18 41455 lfskywing 2010-2-26 09:04
Systemverilog For Verification attachment chml83 2008-4-15 91398 lfskywing 2010-2-26 08:53
国庆送书系列:2008年新书专辑 attachment  ...2 luoyih 2008-9-19 143025 lfskywing 2010-2-26 08:38
[求助] The Software Optimization Cookbook opqrst 2010-2-26 03655 opqrst 2010-2-26 06:53
[资料] 分享 attachment testt123 2010-2-25 11697 testt123 2010-2-25 23:05
Verilog HDL数字设计与综合 夏宇闻译(第二版)Part1 attachment  ...2345 successtiange 2006-8-24 478563 zlxiaonan 2010-2-25 22:58
Verilog HDL数字设计与综合 夏宇闻译(第二版)Part3 attachment  ...2345 successtiange 2006-8-24 478085 zlxiaonan 2010-2-25 22:47
[求助] 一个Verilog中状态转移的问题 monsterkiller 2010-2-25 02050 monsterkiller 2010-2-25 21:49
FPGA设计的指导性原则 attachment Ramon.liu 2007-9-12 31879 lfskywing 2010-2-25 21:44
从算法设计到硬线逻辑的实现 attachment weijj 2008-11-7 22065 lansky 2010-2-25 20:47
DC综合入门教材 gougoudragon 2008-4-26 12048 liujiale 2010-2-25 20:21
[原创] de 2 资料 attachment zsw3979 2010-2-25 01656 zsw3979 2010-2-25 18:58
State Machine Coding Styles for Synthesis attachment leaez 2008-9-3 22052 edalover 2010-2-25 17:49
Hardware Verification with SystemVerilog yl1012744447 2008-6-17 62314 edalover 2010-2-25 17:26
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