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ing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays.part02 attachment jearome 2005-9-20 11678 smiley 2010-3-7 01:55
有没有高速数字电路设计方面的资料?在那里可以搞到? cuiiuc 2005-9-1 46382 smiley 2010-3-7 01:51
[下载]最新版! eda002 2005-8-12 12278 smiley 2010-3-7 01:49
请教:综合过程中,为何出现该问题?如何解决?多谢! attachment chunbai 2005-8-9 12215 smiley 2010-3-7 01:47
求SYNOPSYS DC工具 kakatm1977 2005-5-24 14876 smiley 2010-3-7 01:36
jackzhang老大,能否找到XD,mini SD的SPEC tomvsjerry 2005-4-29 12626 smiley 2010-3-7 01:35
求 Embedded Development Kit (EDK) 6.3i 的注册号 attachment tomrun 2005-4-19 22228 smiley 2010-3-7 01:32
[求助] 求論文 pkf690801 2010-3-7 11368 pkf690801 2010-3-7 01:15
ATAPI Spec attachment peng-416 2005-11-8 73085 原灰 2010-3-5 16:39
[资料] 电子工程师创新设计必备宝典系列之FPGA开发全攻略(全中文) chit_wps 2010-3-1 42071 hong0335 2010-3-4 19:53
FIFO 設計 attachment Charley.Yeh 2009-7-17 31130 jery125 2010-3-4 16:17
[原创] Ei检索的互联网技术和应用国际会议征文 wicomyg 2010-3-4 05282 wicomyg 2010-3-4 13:49
【毛了】发:超强verilog大全 attachment  ...23456..17 hemm2004 2006-6-6 16423558 czc060406 2010-3-4 13:07
通信电源集成电路手册-3.rar attachment chengzhenjun 2007-3-30 18702 chaojixin 2010-3-4 13:06
[资料] Verilog参考手册 attachment usergb315 2010-3-3 17566 stfhjtdykjmtu 2010-3-4 11:27
著名的Verilog_golden参考中文版(免费下载) attachment  ...2 hujiaan2008 2008-11-24 112880 zxhwww 2010-3-4 08:59
/下载/ 《Verilog三叠纪之新手入门》[中文] attachment eetoplxy 2008-4-2 51753 okboy927 2010-3-3 22:22
静态时序分析技术提高ASIC时序性能 attachment zb79214 2006-12-16 92687 okboy927 2010-3-3 21:23
[资料] cadence 使用参考手册 winboy111 2010-3-2 21410 okboy927 2010-3-3 21:20
[ebook]《Verilog HDL 综合实用教程》 attachment  ...23 genghis 2008-1-1 212895 gaoyang1223 2010-3-3 12:46
数字电路EDA 入门:VHDL 程序实例集 attachment damlaoqi 2008-12-22 81531 lansky 2010-3-3 12:38
Altera FPGA_CPLD设计 高级篇 attachment  ...23 llj2000 2009-11-21 242579 lansky 2010-3-2 23:41
超大规模集成电路-系统和电路的设计原理 attachment  ...23456..8 shawn_yangjx 2006-7-26 7011138 xz00311 2010-3-2 22:39
[原创] Ei检索的中文“IEEE互联网技术与应用国际会议”iTAP2010 wicom 2010-1-27 21897 stanzone 2010-3-2 21:44
[资料] digital_clocks_for_synchronization_and_communications.part1 lightcloud 2010-3-2 01655 lightcloud 2010-3-2 17:48
[资料] Digital VLSI Design with Verilog[1].part1 attachment lightcloud 2010-3-2 51566 lightcloud 2010-3-2 16:38
[资料] digital_clocks_for_synchronization_and_communications.part1 lightcloud 2010-3-2 01426 lightcloud 2010-3-2 15:52
解答_Computer_Architecture_A_Quantitative_Approach_4e_2007 attachment kevinwjs 2008-8-18 51796 zuchie 2010-3-2 14:06
很经典的关于运算单元设计的教程 attachment  ...2 Vibwave 2008-12-6 122086 yangjhua9161 2010-3-2 12:28
发两篇静态时序分析有关的文章 attachment  ...2 fodywang 2006-10-31 1516613 kankan123456789 2010-3-2 10:32
FPGA时钟论文3 attachment jearome 2005-9-20 93549 wangmingyi 2010-3-1 22:21
CRC校验源码分析 attachment kingdemon 2009-6-30 41783 kyoiwaiah 2010-3-1 22:10
本人认为很好的IC设计入门资料 attachment  ...2 bacmhust 2009-2-16 134589 stanzone 2010-3-1 21:48
复杂数字电路与系统Verilog HDL设计.rar attachment  ...23456 wxxhn 2009-8-4 596568 xiaoming0751 2010-3-1 21:07
综合方法学(Synthesis Methodology) attachment fengruofei 2009-8-12 71713 knightliu 2010-3-1 20:48
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