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Finite State Machine-datapath Design, Optimization, and Implementation attachment  ...2345 cirand 2009-8-24 4811118 xdrxdr 2023-12-11 13:23
[资料] Serial Attached SCSI-3 (SAS3) attachment  ...23 cwy691024 2016-10-18 248873 skyfighter 2023-12-11 09:36
mentor工具万能keygen attachment  ...23456..7 genghis 2008-7-1 6914640 hanxiong99 2023-12-11 08:59
[原创] 《Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs》 attachment  ...2 pwang7 2021-11-14 121651 sutaotao2001 2023-12-11 06:42
[原创] 【Quartus II官方教程(中文版)】官方教程,涉及FPGA设计各个方面,非常详细 attachment  ...23456..15 edta2009 2012-4-25 14632036 platum66 2023-12-10 19:58
[资料] The art of verification with vera 新人帖 attachment fpgaer_r 2023-10-28 5500 looneyxp 2023-12-10 19:10
Fundamentals Of Computer Organization And Architecture attachment  ...2 s810011 2008-12-30 123963 xdrxdr 2023-12-10 01:44
[ebook]Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation attachment  ...23456..9 pipiw 2008-11-12 8319394 xdrxdr 2023-12-10 01:43
[资料] FPGA设计和验证的好书,EDA先锋工作室出品,强烈推荐!!! attachment  ...23456..17 智慧棒 2011-6-21 16532752 dsp24x 2023-12-10 00:50
[资料] hotchips 2023论文 attachment  ...2 maochrng 2023-9-5 171908 zhaichunhua168 2023-12-9 21:56
[资料] MIPI协议大全,有问题的可以一起讨论 attachment  ...23456..10 student2010 2020-6-12 9627911 潛龍勿用 2023-12-9 11:49
【Mc Graw Hill】Signal Processing.for.Wireless.Communications attachment  ...23456..7 eagle_tek 2009-1-3 6513333 zzabc 2023-12-8 19:11
IEEE Std 1364™-2005(Verilog最新标准) attachment  ...23456..18 ahii 2008-6-18 17236741 stephua 2023-12-8 17:56
[下载] PLI 1.0 User Guide and Reference attachment  ...234 一声叹息 2003-11-26 357799 林肥肥 2023-12-8 14:36
[资料] AI芯片、加速器:加州大学伯克利分校 EE290 (Spring 2021)课件 新人帖 attach_img 白王 2023-3-16 91834 潛龍勿用 2023-12-7 10:01
[资料] USB3.0 Universal Serial Bus Specification Version 3.0 2011版 attachment  ...23456 f_uu 2012-11-7 5611431 潛龍勿用 2023-12-7 09:49
[资料] 论坛首发:HDMI 2.0 specification 规范 attachment  ...23456..22 zhangyang768 2014-9-4 21840938 潛龍勿用 2023-12-7 09:48
[原创] 分享The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles(2021版) attachment  ...234 courageheart 2021-8-18 336630 gongstar 2023-12-6 16:21
[资料] Mindshare Mordern Dram training Slides igloopen 2013-9-30 74673 cfly_chang 2023-12-6 15:26
[讨论] MindShare USB3 itismejust 2018-11-19 93514 cfly_chang 2023-12-6 15:15
[资料] whats next for systemverilog in the upcoming IEEE 1800-2023 standard attachment haimag 2023-12-1 1643 chuniee 2023-12-5 21:51
[资料] 智驾芯片及域控制器分析报告分享 attach_img 芯电图 2023-12-5 0469 芯电图 2023-12-5 20:56
[资料] PCI Express Base Specification Revision 3.0 pcie-3.0-总线规范 attachment  ...23456..15 yangdengke 2012-11-18 14228172 fushibo50 2023-12-5 19:46
[资料] Cshell语言资料 attachment kuiyanwei 2023-12-5 0425 kuiyanwei 2023-12-5 17:13
[资料] 时序波形作图软件——Timer Designer attachment Yeannis 2023-8-4 81086 xmbonny 2023-12-5 17:11
[原创] 全数字锁相环研究 attachment  ...23 苏世民 2022-8-16 224309 chinest2010 2023-12-5 14:29
[资料] 《大话数据结构》 attachment  ...23 BellaYang 2022-6-10 203660 Ralphjh 2023-12-5 11:42
[资料] nLint 201509-sp1百度网盘分享 attachment  ...23456..9 zhqhzj 2017-2-4 8128182 flscut 2023-12-4 14:21
[资料] nLint 201509-sp1 2016最新版 15M attachment  ...23456..19 lxing_1988 2016-7-6 18454335 arnold1019 2023-12-4 11:33
[其它] Verilog HDL. A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis attachment  ...2 studentclass78 2014-12-20 185548 assurance 2023-12-3 21:27
[原创] 直接产生verilog的testbench的python脚本 attachment digest  ...23456..18 haimag 2012-2-7 17663960 platum66 2023-12-3 19:59
[资料] 最新版Vivado 2017.1完整安装包(21GB) - 百度盘下载 attachment  ...23456..80 drksh 2017-4-26 79690353 platum66 2023-12-3 19:56
[资料] 【IC设计入门教程】原理图输入、Layout设计、spectre仿真、verilog仿真、混合信号仿真 attachment  ...23456..16 hewang98 2012-10-29 15831071 platum66 2023-12-3 19:54
[原创] VIVADO从此开始 _初级版(电子书) + 视频教学课件 新人帖 attachment  ...23456 SuperWalker0608 2021-7-14 5810843 platum66 2023-12-3 19:38
[资料] cadence IScape04.23-s004lnx86 201408 最新版 attachment  ...23456..7 lxing_1988 2014-8-16 6321851 wangyuankun 2023-12-3 17:53
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