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[资料] Thinking Machines: Machine Learning and Its Hardware Implementation @2021 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-11 152736 jimcmwang 2022-11-20 00:37
[资料] questasim10_2b版本经典学习资料 attachment  ...23 supermanqc 2013-12-29 286490 zs84111 2022-11-19 20:14
[资料] 时序分析经典书籍:《Constraining Design for Synthesis and Timing Analysis》 新人帖 attachment  ...2 yuhao123 2022-11-11 124108 im.leo 2022-11-19 11:11
Principles of Modern Digital Design attachment zweishi 2009-1-28 52517 xuleiwx1 2022-11-19 09:25
[资料] FBGA的介绍(英文) attachment xin_yu 2010-4-17 42569 现实的路139 2022-11-18 20:25
[资料] [资料] 【首发】数字滤波器的MATLAB与FPGA实现 ALTERAVERILOG版 VHDL版 attachment  ...2345 jll_leide 2018-3-5 4812225 xuleiwx1 2022-11-18 15:11
[资料] I2C设计思路 attachment  ...2 LuckyCoCo 2022-4-27 145106 xuleiwx1 2022-11-18 14:16
[资料] VLSI数字信号处理-设计与实现 pdf 希望对大家有用 attachment kk6803 2013-11-27 73232 xuleiwx1 2022-11-18 14:14
[资料] 介绍verilog的基础语法《Verilog HDL程序设计与实践》 attachment yuhao123 2022-11-12 81751 xuleiwx1 2022-11-18 14:10
[资料] Digital Logic Design and Computer Organization @2015 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-11 113274 xuleiwx1 2022-11-18 14:05
[资料] Digital Fundamentals 11th global edtion 英文PDF attachment  ...2345 coxswain 2018-1-3 4410322 xuleiwx1 2022-11-18 13:43
[原创] 专用集成电路设计实用教程 attach_img zhimigan 2022-1-6 72124 品博锦取_2021 2022-11-18 11:11
[原创] Operation_and_Modeling_of_the_MOS_Transistor_3rd attach_img zhimigan 2022-1-6 82523 cdting 2022-11-18 04:09
[原创] 数字设计与计算机体系结构习题答案 新人帖 attachment lz是zxc 2022-3-1 42155 cdting 2022-11-18 03:27
[资料] 32位除法器设计Verilog代码 attachment  ...23456..15 liulangshusheng 2010-12-22 14049497 cwpeng 2022-11-17 14:58
用Verilog 实现一个16位超前进位加法器(实例) attachment  ...23456..10 quirinus 2009-3-25 9338819 hunan168 2022-11-17 11:16
[资料] sigma-delta ADC 新人帖 attachment 上档次 2022-11-17 0836 上档次 2022-11-17 11:09
[资料] Nonlinear Microwave And RF Circuits 2nd.Edition (Maas) attachment  ...234 天牛不唱歌 2013-5-28 3310712 dannymu 2022-11-17 10:04
[原创] 基于FPGA的LED显示屏灰度控制(合作案例) attach_img chop147 2022-11-16 01305 chop147 2022-11-16 14:43
[资料] vivado的fifo_generator代码 attachment Helloworld521 2018-8-22 52899 闫碎猴 2022-11-16 14:00
正版ispDesignEXPERT attachment buqibushe 2006-10-26 65184 xdrxdr 2022-11-16 12:16
tcl reference ---quickly attachment  ...2 ichliebewr 2006-8-25 188516 tom0626 2022-11-15 21:26
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24小时学通qt编程中文版 Daniel Solin attachment  ...234 fudabaobao 2009-5-18 3910253 yuanpin318 2022-11-15 09:34
[资料] MIPI I3C相關文檔 attachment hyperpicc 2019-2-28 72721 yexingren21 2022-11-15 08:44
RS485源程 attachment  ...2 duilian2 2008-10-31 155483 jw216 2022-11-14 21:57
[资料] matlab信号处理详解 attachment lzh4774 2010-5-14 52709 auch0311 2022-11-14 18:05
[资料] HDLC 的源代码 attachment  ...2 patriotiii 2010-5-21 149759 xdrxdr 2022-11-14 15:40
Doulos的SystemVerilog培训教材 attachment  ...23456..13 tjulz 2008-4-11 12025126 opqfeixue122 2022-11-14 14:23
[求助] 求书:Design and Verification of Microprocessor Systems opqrst 2010-12-7 52943 free2bird 2022-11-13 10:17
[资料] [ebook]Introduction to Logic Design(Third Edition) attach_img  ...2 lodestar6666 2013-1-12 185643 karaly 2022-11-12 08:26
[资料] Digital-Computer-Electronics 新人帖 attach_img luckdeveloper 2022-9-21 51803 chiaohung0821 2022-11-12 00:41
定点运算理论及应用(PDF) attachment  ...2345 emetal 2008-4-4 4311726 liulongchao 2022-11-11 16:27
[原创] 11.11 降价为100元 Centos 虚拟机中 OpenSPARC T1验证环境 attach_img dodoee 2022-11-11 01416 dodoee 2022-11-11 10:44
[资料] 11.11 降价为100元 Centos 虚拟机中 OpenSPARC T1验证环境 attach_img dodoee 2022-11-11 01164 dodoee 2022-11-11 10:21
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