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[资料] 11.11 降价为100元 Centos 虚拟机中 OpenSPARC T1验证环境 attach_img dodoee 2022-11-11 01165 dodoee 2022-11-11 10:21
[转贴] AMEYA360:村田“BLM21HE系列”片状铁氧体磁珠商品化 attach_img Ameya360皇华 2022-11-10 01183 Ameya360皇华 2022-11-10 14:15
[转贴] AMEYA360:瑞萨电子展示多款汽车电子先进解决方案 attach_img Ameya360皇华 2022-11-9 01043 Ameya360皇华 2022-11-9 16:14
[资料] 822份电子设计论文参考合集 attachment bandaotihezi 2021-3-11 52493 stefenxp 2022-11-9 15:55
[资料] 华中科技大学电子器件与IC设计资料合集(无MOSFET哦!) attachment bandaotihezi 2021-3-11 83412 stefenxp 2022-11-9 15:50
[资料] 郭天祥FPGA视频教程合集 attachment  ...2 bandaotihezi 2021-1-10 177053 stefenxp 2022-11-9 15:29
[资料] QuestaSim 10 For Linux 安装程序及破解 attachment  ...23456..19 neoitachi 2011-11-29 18859257 mpei 2022-11-9 13:24
[资料] Timing Channels in Cryptography A Micro-Architectural Perspective @2014 attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-11-1 314851 jimcmwang 2022-11-9 10:01
[资料] Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptography in Hardware @2020 attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-11-1 335038 jimcmwang 2022-11-9 09:55
[资料] Trusted Digital CircuitsTrusted Digital Circuits. Hardware Trojan Vulnerabilities, Prevention and Detection @2018 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-10-24 152722 ee860678 2022-11-9 09:30
[转贴] AMEYA360:位移传感器安装要点及使用注意事项 attach_img Ameya360皇华 2022-11-8 01092 Ameya360皇华 2022-11-8 14:35
[资料] Handbook of FPGA Design Security attachment  ...23456 neocent 2010-6-21 5014225 jimcmwang 2022-11-7 20:18
[转贴] AMEYA360:罗姆发布肖特基二极管白皮书,助力汽车等行业 attach_img Ameya360皇华 2022-11-7 0976 Ameya360皇华 2022-11-7 15:03
[资料] Low-Phase-Noise All-Digital Frequency Synthesizer With a Time-Windowed TDC attachment  ...23456..8 shaweikang1984 2011-1-31 7322622 Ralphjh 2022-11-7 14:13
[资料] ESD: Failure Mechanisms and Models attachment  ...2 yuem.yang@gmail 2010-10-4 155011 晴冷天吻雪 2022-11-7 10:41
[原创] Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems-A Tutorial Approach-2rd- attachment  ...2 A1985 2010-5-30 183821 ricvadim 2022-11-6 10:48
[资料] Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals-book attachment  ...234 A1985 2010-6-8 368675 ricvadim 2022-11-6 10:41
time-to-digital converter(时间间隔测量) attachment  ...23456 pmdddd 2007-5-2 5514936 jingxin_xd 2022-11-6 01:00
[资料] 计算机系统结构 量化研究方法 第四版 中英文版及附录 attachment  ...2 barca_zx 2012-7-16 196465 gogo16888 2022-11-5 18:44
[资料] Pro Git 中文第二版 attachment Y__Y 2022-10-1 73516 omnik 2022-11-5 11:53
[资料] 一些amba ahb总线方面的资料 attachment  ...23 gerry1812 2011-11-24 226729 jgwdnb 2022-11-4 17:03
[资料] Digital Design and Computer Architecture 第二版 英文 attachment  ...23 Ivy_End 2019-7-9 246500 xdrxdr 2022-11-4 15:06
[资料] 数模接口设计JESD204B协议及相关参考设计资料等 attachment  ...23456..7 cniclayout 2016-9-14 6917795 lclyt 2022-11-4 13:39
求:Design of High-Performance Microprocessor Circuits opqrst 2008-2-12 84818 Andy126 2022-11-4 10:48
[求助] 求Mentor PowerPro 低功耗分析工具的资料 新人帖 plunderr 2022-11-3 01393 plunderr 2022-11-3 14:38
[资料] ICC User Guide attachment xxgeneral 2017-4-25 93465 Tengtengteng 2022-11-3 11:41
[资料] SPI协议英文版 attachment  ...23 陆地巡洋舰 2019-1-17 226925 benwa 2022-11-1 20:12
[资料] 【Ebook 2017】Digital Underwater Acoustic Communications attachment  ...23 hsh22 2018-9-8 265347 heinzmann 2022-11-1 11:08
[求助] SGFramework ningwuque1989 2011-3-28 42929 future2049 2022-11-1 09:32
[资料] Microelectrofluidic Systems: Modeling and Simulation attachment hnwulei 2010-2-25 52148 soldierwuhan 2022-11-1 07:41
[资料] 【2018 新书】Advanced Logic Synthesis attach_img  ...23456..8 hsh22 2018-11-23 7618934 jimcmwang 2022-11-1 00:08
Power Compiler 教程 attachment  ...2345 suxiaofeixia 2009-11-20 409953 gogo16888 2022-10-31 21:34
[资料] Python入门教程 A Byte of python 适合IC设计 attachment  ...2 陆地巡洋舰 2018-12-25 194406 rowdai 2022-10-31 21:04
synopsys 2007新书《Low Power Methodology Manual》 attachment  ...23456..41 clarkkevin 2007-9-30 40543811 alex_2012 2022-10-31 17:10
[求助] 求28nm SRAM mini-array liaoduan 2022-10-27 51633 artizei 2022-10-31 15:07
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