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[资料] RTL Modeling with SystemVerilog for Simulation and Synthesis using SystemVerilog for ASIC and FPGA design attachment  ...23456..12 yesbird 2019-10-23 11831704 smnq0524 2023-2-10 18:14
[求助] 请帮忙从知网下载论文:一种基于parallel flow的Tessent MBIST的设计与验证 attachment  ...2 risccpu 2020-2-3 114120 wlwl127 2023-2-8 14:31
[资料] IC设计基础,面试题目,非常经典 attachment  ...2 jrmjrf 2012-12-26 185423 Tradeoff 2023-2-8 12:16
悬赏 [求助] 请问谁有synopsys designware? - [悬赏 7 信元资产] orientview 2023-2-7 01400 orientview 2023-2-7 10:35
[资料] Cadence SPB16.60.066 linux 版本 attachment  ...23 离城梦 2016-3-11 239947 yatn 2023-2-6 16:21
[资料] basic of low power circuit and logic design attachment baoerxing 2012-12-31 93186 riven60797 2023-2-6 11:35
asynchronous-design-methodologies attachment  ...2 scutwdz 2006-12-1 165863 piao 2023-2-6 00:48
Principles of Asynchronous Circuit Design attachment  ...234 chlf99 2007-8-17 329025 piao 2023-2-6 00:36
《Principles of Asynchronous Circuit Design - A Systems Perspective》 attachment  ...23456..52 老扁 2005-7-12 51878580 piao 2023-2-6 00:35
[资料] 异步电路设计 Asynchronous Circuit Design attach_img ee01top01 2010-10-26 72729 piao 2023-2-6 00:34
Asynchronous Circuit Design. Chris J. Myers attachment  ...23 scutwdz 2006-12-2 258197 piao 2023-2-6 00:34
很有价值的systemC slide两个! attachment  ...2 tim_yeh 2008-12-10 114584 ye000 2023-2-5 22:36
[求助] 找这本书 attachment  ...2 orientview 2023-2-3 103303 zlhrsy 2023-2-4 22:54
[原创] ZedBoard相关项目的设计服务 SOC设计验证服务 ZedBoard FPGA租赁 远程操作 attach_img dodoee 2023-2-4 12118 dodoee 2023-2-4 16:28
[资料] PrimeTime Lab attachment  ...234 fort2121 2010-9-13 3211157 rowdai 2023-2-4 11:28
SystemC中文ppt教材,共7章,几百页,已打包给大家省钱了:) attachment  ...23456..36 wangmuhai 2009-7-19 35957957 ye000 2023-2-3 21:28
[资料] mdyGpioAd9248Tlv5638模块 attach_img chop147 2023-2-3 11320 伪界 2023-2-3 09:38
[资料] 重磅推出:SystemVerilog3[1].1a 语言参考手册完整无错版 attachment  ...23 redleaf1988 2014-12-2 269729 蓝天飞翔 2023-2-3 09:07
[资料] synopsis推荐的6篇Digital IC design的经典教程 attachment  ...234 yushuiyang1986 2012-10-14 309124 zyj2012 2023-2-2 18:02
[资料] Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface [RISC-V Edition] attachment patrickpan 2023-1-29 91414 lans0625 2023-2-2 15:25
[资料] 一本不错的VHDL入门教程 attachment  ...23 limin29 2011-5-5 258152 伪界 2023-2-2 11:54
VHDL Cookbook attachment sprint 2006-8-31 23329 steven_sun 2023-2-2 11:46
[原创] DC综合leon3教程 attachment 周建伟 2014-2-12 94078 zhwsoc 2023-2-1 22:34
[资料] Introduction to Algorithms, 4th edition @ 2022 新人帖 attachment  ...2 byrd2010 2022-12-8 133146 andrew1qaz 2023-2-1 14:35
[资料] 数字集成电路经典资料 attachment  ...2 mrhe1982 2021-4-12 103293 gzliuwj 2023-2-1 10:01
[资料] chisel教程 新人帖 attachment 说,你是猪 2022-4-12 12312 zhwsoc 2023-1-31 18:56
[原创] 原创 xilinx aurora 点到为止教程 中文版 attachment  ...23456..12 waterbeef 2014-7-1 11029368 smnq0524 2023-1-31 09:13
[资料] DDR3的验证模型 attachment  ...23456..8 小丫 2012-8-23 7626164 ford 2023-1-30 18:51
[资料] 综合与时序分析的设计约束 attachment 甲壳虫 2023-1-5 71706 ayamitek 2023-1-30 14:44
[资料] UVM实战书中所有例子源码,UVM-1.1d,UVM-1.2库 attachment senasdf 2022-4-25 42630 三石哥哥 2023-1-30 09:39
[原创] 极品资料 -- Fifo设计(有了这个,别无所求) attachment  ...23456..14 orinoflow 2010-1-11 13427229 zchdsp 2023-1-29 17:18
[资料] DE1-SoC_User_manual_ref attachment 甲壳虫 2023-1-29 11092 伪界 2023-1-29 10:13
悬赏 [求助] 谁有这个的电子版啊? - [悬赏 1 信元资产] attachment orientview 2023-1-26 41766 yuanpin318 2023-1-27 09:31
[资料] 华为官方培训资料全集 attachment  ...234 smithe 2011-2-5 329070 sutaotao2001 2023-1-27 07:14
[资料] 讲时序约束的中文版本资料,挺不错的 attachment  ...234 浩然若枫 2022-4-22 317293 lhc_online 2023-1-25 11:17
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