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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 166 |主题: 41037|排名: 1 

[资料] Demystifying Noise Simulation in RF Circuits attach_img  ...2 sunjimmy 2023-3-14 112896 skahill 2024-2-15 08:58
[资料] 天线(第三版)约翰克劳斯中文高清全本 attach_img  ...234 yexy515 2019-7-12 379667 cageyuen 2024-2-14 21:07
Analog Circuit Design: Art, Science and Personalities attachment  ...23456..19 poihero 2007-3-13 18141111 ComTTest 2024-2-14 20:37
[资料] 【2015新书】完整版Electrostatic Discharge Protection-Advances and Applications attach_img  ...23456..8 jaurung0309 2016-12-1 7716017 fy789 2024-2-14 18:28
CADENCE的pipelineADC的验证实例 attachment  ...23456..7 茶俊 2009-1-12 6117581 eebond 2024-2-13 23:54
[资料] ISSCC 2000 Short Course attachment sunjimmy 2012-10-3 82903 remix1130 2024-2-13 22:31
[资料] sonnet suite pro 16.52 win更新 17.56 win/linu attachment  ...23456..7 leejohannes 2020-8-6 6717510 RF_Rookie 2024-2-13 18:32
IEEE fellow 系列之一 Behzad Razavi attachment  ...234 tonggz 2007-5-13 369267 RF_Rookie 2024-2-13 18:06
[资料] ADI放大器应用笔记 - 第一册 attachment  ...2 sunjimmy 2012-12-21 194765 igolaps 2024-2-13 17:57
[资料] [講義] Digital RF Processor (DRP) Strategy and Technology of TI Wireless SoC attach_img  ...2 sunjimmy 2023-2-25 102176 skygardon 2024-2-13 17:35
[资料] AMS混合仿真与spectreverilog 仿真资料大全 attachment  ...23456..14 datone520 2010-12-12 13339319 xieerman1 2024-2-13 15:27
[完全版][压缩][Sansen课程PPT]ANALOG DESIGN ESSENTIALS attachment  ...23456..27 rommel_gong 2007-11-16 26151243 kaaa1001 2024-2-12 15:59
Operational Amplifier Stability: Part 10 of 15 bennykc2 2008-3-4 84506 johnysmithzhang 2024-2-12 15:39
[资料] Digital Front-End Signal Processing with Widely-Linear attachment  ...234 jamesccp 2014-3-14 379228 kuan 2024-2-12 08:17
[资料] IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine CIRCUIT INTUITIONS 18期到26期 attachment jlin00a 2021-5-29 82945 mes2003 2024-2-11 10:37
[资料] ISSCC 2021论文集(全) attachment  ...23456..8 TOP2016 2021-3-15 7627195 linsh 2024-2-11 03:06
比对工具 attachment cxl666 2008-9-19 12521 gubels 2024-2-10 18:53
[讨论] Analog IP porting tool gubels 2024-2-10 01232 gubels 2024-2-10 18:36
[原创] OSIRIS gubels 2024-2-10 01027 gubels 2024-2-10 18:35
[资料] CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective (3rd Edition)2包 attachment  ...23456..48 hi_china59 2009-10-26 47882214 cseivy 2024-2-10 02:39
[资料] 浏览S参数小工具 attachment wlzl12345 2016-12-17 32438 loveyahoo 2024-2-9 09:49
[原创] analog and rf 大牛Peter R. Kinget  ...2 shake2004 2016-3-19 197393 2370530873 2024-2-9 03:59
[资料] cadence软件教程 attachment  ...2345 gloryduke 2016-12-5 4712825 idlechess 2024-2-8 22:26
[资料] Cadence skill教程从入门到高端应用pcell timer attachment  ...23456 不懂也不问 2019-2-19 5617031 茂陵刘郎 2024-2-8 15:21
[求助] 求助JSSC2024年2月 wshx 2024-2-8 11078 esbwong 2024-2-8 08:50
[资料] A background calibration technique and self testing method for the pipeline ADC attachment zhuyubing 2012-4-10 83152 xdrxdr 2024-2-7 19:11
[原创] SPI协议-中英文版 attachment  ...2 江湖人92 2022-5-11 195888 john_123 2024-2-7 18:14
[资料] 拉扎维的COMS模拟电路设计 attachment windyxqy 2021-7-9 21475 chimo2000 2024-2-7 14:07
[资料] Analog Modeling with Verilog-A Lab Manual attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-11-29 395448 Handsome_Hou 2024-2-7 14:05
【强烈推荐】运放设计宝典 之闭环负反馈运放系统 attachment  ...23 zweishi 2009-1-28 258188 Handsome_Hou 2024-2-7 14:00
几骗关于FoldingInterpolation ADC 实用论文 attachment  ...234 prof3 2009-3-12 378169 sajes2013 2024-2-7 13:51
Multi-voltage CMOS Circuit Design attachment  ...23456..23 jaseper 2008-1-25 22138751 tracy6969 2024-2-7 02:24
Source driver design of TFT LCD driver attachment  ...23456..16 qinliang1999 2007-5-31 15426781 mj23ak17 2024-2-6 23:51
半导体光电子技术-余金中 attachment  ...23 friend0971 2009-7-13 286452 rsmicro 2024-2-6 20:08
[资料] Clock and Data Recovery for Serial. Digital Communication isscc 2002 Tutorial on CDR attachment  ...23 breezerlxd 2022-10-1 265884 kaoyanren 2024-2-6 19:52
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