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MEMS资料区 今日: 0|主题: 251|排名: 44 

[原创] ToF Ebook(2) attachment  ...2 mitchell0001 2017-2-12 174768 sunil4u 2024-1-2 12:44
[原创] ToF-Ebook attachment  ...234 mitchell0001 2017-2-12 358943 sunil4u 2024-1-2 12:41
[资料] eetop.cn_Low-Power Crystal and MEMS Oscillators 新人帖 attachment 道法shine 2023-1-31 3888 sunil4u 2024-1-2 12:03
[资料] 3D and Circuit Integration of MEMS attach_img  ...23 elvislau 2022-2-20 244422 sunil4u 2024-1-2 11:58
[资料] 几本关于传感器和物联网的书 attachment  ...23456..7 maplestory 2014-4-23 6513978 sunil4u 2024-1-2 11:01
[资料] 收集的MEMS领域的一些重要综述 attachment  ...23456..7 summerwaww 2012-1-15 6116072 sunil4u 2024-1-2 11:00
[资料] 硅谐振器 attachment 爱吃油条 2018-12-29 32188 sunil4u 2024-1-2 01:28
[资料] 经典教材Fabrication Engineering at the Microand Nanoscale attachment  ...23456..7 lastjourney 2015-9-29 6715416 xdrxdr 2023-12-22 02:28
[求助] 求 Micro accelerometer design with digital feedback control attachment  ...2 fy789 2022-10-16 152628 xdrxdr 2023-12-22 02:26
[解决] MEMS仿真软件Coventorware安装包 新人帖 attachment  ...234 yyshuai 2020-4-14 3111396 fintol 2023-12-20 12:33
[求助] 任何conventor软件的flexnet license manager安装包 新人帖 fintol 2023-12-20 0629 fintol 2023-12-20 12:29
[求助] 安装软件 liekkasss 2023-12-18 0551 liekkasss 2023-12-18 10:32
[原创] 清华大学微电子研究所-王谦-MEMS封装 attachment  ...23456..9 fey 2014-4-25 8818125 yesmyboy1 2023-12-11 18:25
[资料] <<微系统设计>>Senturia中文版 attachment  ...2 eisbergeisberg 2022-5-5 142656 品博锦取_2021 2023-11-8 12:01
[求助] MEMS Pro软件 zwjwhxz 2013-10-31 73983 Kevin66 2023-10-27 13:29
[资料] 加速度传感器的工作原理文档分享 attachment  ...2 故城往事 2019-2-8 113493 Kevin66 2023-9-21 14:23
[活动] 【MEMS课程通知】新兴微米和纳米系统技术课程开始报名! attach_img yxysunshine 2023-7-25 21044 yxysunshine 2023-8-28 20:23
[资料] Nanusens CMOS-MEMS 惯性传感器白皮书 新人帖 attachment crchuang 2023-6-15 2892 Billmtk 2023-8-20 14:26
[资料] Foundations of MEMS (Prentice Hall, 2012,2nd Edition) attachment  ...234 不懂也不问 2019-1-29 306711 Billmtk 2023-8-19 14:26
[资料] (鲍敏航)-Analysis and Design Principles of MEMS Devices 新人帖 attach_img  ...2 ella05370617 2022-6-20 154072 Ralphjh 2023-7-24 16:31
[资料] 改进的微波1f噪声测量 attachment 爱吃油条 2018-12-20 51937 rnysun 2023-6-25 11:10
[资料] Nanusens CMOS-MEMS 公司简介 Y2021 新人帖 attachment crchuang 2023-6-15 0743 crchuang 2023-6-15 00:47
[求助] IntelliSense IntelliSuite 9.1 建模小生 2023-5-29 11153 Guodong985211 2023-6-7 19:33
[资料] 求MEMS and Microsystems 2nd Edition attach_img ni2121 2023-5-28 01020 ni2121 2023-5-28 15:36
[资料] MEMS设计参考资料01 attachment  ...2 jiaoriver 2013-3-4 116034 品博锦取_2021 2023-5-16 10:16
[资料] cadence virtuoso 技术文件和工具箱文档 attachment  ...2 水仙君 2022-3-30 114325 lyfztz 2023-5-16 09:13
[资料] MEMS相关资料 attachment  ...2 luwh 2020-3-9 103721 haizaolan 2023-4-7 22:09
[资料] 半导体量子器件资料 新人帖 attachment  ...2 luwh 2020-3-9 112918 品博锦取_2021 2023-4-4 11:04
[资料] 频率合成器 attachment 道法shine 2023-3-14 11005 Billmtk 2023-4-3 20:22
[求助] 求助CoventorWare软件下载! xiayonglu 2019-8-27 22829 baluba 2023-3-22 21:08
[资料] CMOS MEMS Inertial Sensors and Their Application-入门性介绍PPT attachment  ...23456 wjqskym 2015-1-7 5210543 newrfdesign 2023-3-4 19:49
[资料] MEMS 气体传感器 attachment  ...2 Jimmy0602 2014-11-25 165531 hanyuex 2023-3-4 16:34
[资料] Advanced MEMSNEMS Fabrication and Sensors @2022 attach_img 2046 2022-11-11 91346 renrensd 2023-2-16 22:48
[资料] 再发一本好书《微制造与纳米技术》 attachment  ...23456 xeeliu 2020-4-30 529294 品博锦取_2021 2023-1-31 15:29
[资料] MEMS.MOEMS.Packaging attachment  ...2 爱吃油条 2019-3-21 154007 江洋 2023-1-31 11:44
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