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MEMS资料区 今日: 0|主题: 251|排名: 44 

[资料] CMOS tri-axis accelerometer by Taiwan attachment 不懂也不问 2019-1-29 22268 Zhangshuan 2022-2-6 17:10
[资料] Technologies for Cofabricating MEMS and Electronics attachment 不懂也不问 2019-1-29 72528 Andy126 2022-2-1 12:32
[原创] BT封装基板的流程及制程能力 attachment liu_bt 2021-3-15 52914 品博锦取_2021 2022-1-20 12:41
[资料] CMOS MEMS: a Platform Technology for Microsystems attachment  ...2345 kofkoy2000 2013-11-22 409358 soldierwuhan 2021-12-29 21:21
[资料] microsensors, mems and smart devices attachment  ...2 爱吃油条 2019-3-21 153876 soldierwuhan 2021-12-29 21:20
[资料] Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors attachment  ...234 shiguixiong 2012-2-15 369717 soldierwuhan 2021-12-29 21:19
[资料] RF_MEMS_Theory,_Design,_and_Technology attachment  ...234 simit08 2013-3-20 308672 soldierwuhan 2021-12-28 23:54
[资料] Handbook of Micromechanics and Nanomechanics - [阅读权限 2]attachment  ...23 shiguixiong 2016-4-3 29243 icroad 2021-10-12 21:06
悬赏 [求助] 两篇苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH)博士论文 - [悬赏 50 信元资产] aicder 2021-10-4 01625 aicder 2021-10-4 15:14
[资料] CMOS MEMS: A KEY TECHNOLOGY TOWARDS THE “MORE THAN MOORE” ERA attachment  ...2 爱吃油条 2019-3-21 143129 whulaisla 2021-9-22 19:16
[资料] silicon processing for the VLSI era(1) attachment  ...2 kofkoy2000 2013-10-6 125379 whulaisla 2021-9-22 14:10
[资料] TI的DLP芯片解剖 attachment  ...2 kofkoy2000 2014-3-31 155657 whulaisla 2021-9-22 12:40
[资料] Foundation of MEMS (2nd Edition) attachment  ...234 x81717 2014-7-1 3711312 zhongcan 2021-9-17 14:11
[原创] 特邀资深面试官谈谈求职那些事 一岁就很帅 2019-3-21 31861 felicris 2021-9-9 14:23
[资料] 2014无锡全球传感器高峰论坛的资料 attachment 不懂也不问 2019-1-29 21769 suntech 2021-9-3 11:38
[资料] An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering_2nd attachment  ...2 taf209 2013-3-4 194649 martin_zheng 2021-8-13 14:39
[资料] Sensors Technology Healthcare, Wellness, and Environmental Applications attachment  ...23 maplestory 2014-4-8 286498 kofkoy2000 2021-6-22 11:05
[资料] RF-Powered Silicon-MEMS Microsensors attachment  ...2 14gzzh1985 2013-2-8 164993 szdgsz 2021-6-21 16:30
[其它] -  ...2 Xian93 2016-12-17 169739 szdgsz 2021-6-21 08:33
[资料] Feedback Control of MEMS to Atoms (Mems Reference Shelf) attachment 鲨鱼辣椒123 2019-1-12 62348 szdgsz 2021-5-17 20:47
[资料] 硅微加工技术 attachment  ...2 爱吃油条 2018-12-20 154082 乐观的异世甘蔗 2021-4-26 17:42
[原创] 大家看看这个,如果不用掏钱多好!!!! attachment  ...2 忧伤宝贝 2012-11-28 1312343 luoguoguo 2021-4-14 08:41
[资料] 黄庆安老师csmnt2014报告mems in china attachment  ...23 kofkoy2000 2014-10-15 277309 luoguoguo 2021-4-14 08:35
[资料] CMOS MEMS – PRESENT AND FUTURE attachment  ...23 kofkoy2000 2013-9-21 205855 sunkey 2021-3-3 21:03
[原创] 好冷 attachment  ...23 mxh7408 2011-12-21 258232 sydy110 2021-1-20 08:40
[资料] Emerging Simulation Approaches for Micromachined Devices attachment wangjade 2012-3-22 73385 sydy110 2021-1-20 08:37
[资料] Technologies for Cofabricating MEMS and Electronics attachment kofkoy2000 2013-9-30 92682 sydy110 2021-1-20 08:33
[资料] MEMS设计参考资料01 attachment 爱吃油条 2019-3-21 51942 满满的poly 2021-1-6 12:58
[资料] surface processes in MEMS technology attachment 爱吃油条 2018-12-29 32200 sydy110 2020-12-1 21:28
[原创] Introduction to BioMEMS attach_img Jason.tschen 2015-12-13 83533 sydy110 2020-11-24 23:41
[原创] Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-1-23 215439 sydy110 2020-11-24 00:14
[资料] Comprehensive_Microsystems__Three_Volume_Set attachment  ...2 wzhtwm 2014-4-10 134995 sydy110 2020-11-20 07:38
[资料] An Introduction to MEMS Engineering-(ebook) Artech House-2nd Edition 2004 attachment  ...234 guoxiliang 2012-1-8 389357 sydy110 2020-11-20 07:22
[原创] ADS 2013.06 Windows + Crack Baidu attachment ra3d 2014-12-19 85479 dimples 2020-11-9 10:42
[资料] An Introduction to Microelectromechanical System Engineer attachment  ...234 jlt123 2016-10-13 327256 sydy110 2020-11-5 22:48
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