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IC验证资料 今日: 0|主题: 3573|排名: 20 

[招聘] IC设计和验证工程师招聘  ...2 danzy_yeah 2009-12-21 186083 wangjunweiair 2011-3-21 23:26
[资料] memory system architecture attachment  ...2 haijiaoyouzi 2011-3-17 114076 fxcprince 2011-3-21 00:30
[原创] 调查 MentorGraphics 2011-2-15 32559 richyrichy 2011-3-19 17:41
[资料] 学习FPGA和ASIC值得收藏的经典资料 attachment  ...2 husi2010 2011-2-27 195391 richyrichy 2011-3-19 17:22
[资料] UVM 1.0 released code attachment wanghua131 2011-2-28 52494 cyp1234 2011-3-19 16:02
[原创] OVM datasheet attachment wxsilence5 2010-12-26 32306 Albert0317 2011-3-18 15:03
Verilog-A资料 ustkang 2008-5-21 72885 harry1862pd 2011-3-18 11:16
[原创] 谁知到cosmosscope2009哪里下载? 8i8i9o9o 2011-3-17 04123 8i8i9o9o 2011-3-17 12:18
请教精准开尔文连接检测方法原理 liuyunwujia 2008-6-10 14555 asiccool 2011-3-16 21:22
cadence 中文手册 attachment  ...234 shixu 2009-2-23 356294 nideyangzi_ep 2011-3-16 13:24
一篇关于验证与VCS使用的文章 attachment  ...23456..9 dzlyl 2008-7-20 8113109 dengtyu 2011-3-15 20:42
[求助] 求VCS中文资料 yanyanwa1021 2011-2-16 42832 markmac 2011-3-15 13:28
专用集成电路设计 attachment  ...2 ydz 2008-3-12 185816 husi2010 2011-3-13 19:57
[原创] 诺基亚西门子招聘贴,职位很多选择 attachment kingson_chu 2011-3-2 22933 1008090509 2011-3-7 11:44
[转贴] ieee verilog/vhdl/systemverilog/systemc标准 Goodwin 2010-8-3 12677 qq847941010 2011-3-6 13:46
modelsim用户手册 ustkang 2008-5-17 32232 wolfmann 2011-3-5 15:38
复旦ASIC设计方法学讲义 attachment  ...2 lovelybb 2008-10-11 194021 wayne2266 2011-3-3 18:42
EMC设计秘籍 attachment  ...23 popfly51 2008-6-20 226345 liujialiujia200 2011-2-27 21:35
Perl_学习手札 attachment  ...2 wjccentury 2009-3-21 183978 wugh 2011-2-22 22:54
ADS5273EVM 评估板出售。TI原装。 attachment keven.1984 2009-4-13 21819 kaikaicour 2011-2-18 16:37
System_Verilog_for_Verification(第二版) attachment  ...2 zhenguang_pan 2009-4-20 153616 cjindian 2011-2-16 22:33
[求助] 求一篇关于验证工具的论文 yanyanwa1021 2011-2-16 02338 yanyanwa1021 2011-2-16 11:23
Asic and Fpga Verification:A Guide to Component attachment zweishi 2008-11-9 31827 dannysbp 2011-2-14 14:36
[求助] hspice 2009 simulate 后点Edit LL后,无法看波形,error显示如下, onemomentmore 2010-10-7 77454 pphongbo 2011-2-14 12:50
[资料] 从零开始学CPLD和Verilog HDL编程技术 attachment  ...2 heimareed 2010-7-15 124086 tracy760 2011-2-12 22:55
Virtuoso le guide  ...2 wldjy 2009-11-19 117034 jihuijie 2011-2-12 22:47
System Verilog for Verification (2nd Edition) attachment saintgang 2008-11-16 93022 jefffree 2011-2-11 08:59
systemverilog for verification attachment qingwatiaowu 2008-10-28 42943 jefffree 2011-2-11 08:55
A New Approach to Bus Functional Models attachment cmw 2008-3-28 82798 jefffree 2011-2-10 17:52
LOW POWER 资料! attachment  ...23456..9 keithzhyh 2008-1-14 8616247 jefffree 2011-2-10 17:39
ANT-20E SDHPDH测试仪使用指导书 attachment yixiu0000 2009-6-26 42099 jefffree 2011-2-10 17:00
Agilent37718A测试使用指导书 attachment yixiu0000 2009-6-26 24012 jefffree 2011-2-10 16:57
[资料] TclTk组合教程第二版 attachment zhangyang768 2010-7-10 92489 qiantianyiqian 2011-1-24 10:42
做IC的人怎么可以不懂VI呢? attachment  ...23 jieshunzhu 2009-11-21 265736 alisun 2011-1-23 20:56
practical soc verification attachment  ...2345 SkyFirst 2007-9-12 4311032 pipilu2004 2011-1-23 11:38
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