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modelsim用户手册 ustkang 2008-5-17 11669 yyneuq2008 2010-4-30 22:44
5_Prentice_Design_Verification_With_E_Ebook attachment  ...23 xiaolehou 2007-11-8 245986 ricky000a 2010-4-29 22:20
[资料] ISE入门手册 attachment leigzh 2009-12-29 22409 bartuc 2010-4-23 12:57
ASIC逻辑综合及Synopsys DC attachment  ...2345 Leiva 2008-11-1 419050 qq847941010 2010-4-21 21:29
System_Verilog 的书 attachment  ...23456..10 bestwonbin 2007-11-20 9317353 ricky000a 2010-4-19 22:40
[资料] 同步与通信系统中的数字时钟 attachment xiyue_007 2010-1-12 72695 mainhand 2010-4-14 21:32
超经典Calibre中文资料 attachment  ...23 wxxuzhong 2008-5-28 235792 yizhibi01022 2010-4-13 18:48
perl 小骆驼第四版 attachment  ...2 xjtuvivien 2008-12-12 1910200 kankan123456789 2010-4-10 00:34
perl for junior(4th) attachment ysy722 2009-3-24 62642 larkforsure 2010-4-9 00:56
[求助] 求全差分运放的测试电路 zalseu 2010-4-8 01958 zalseu 2010-4-8 09:57
介紹一下探棒相關資料 attachment  ...2 kao0712 2007-12-27 184860 iwowlifei 2010-4-7 14:29
色环电阻读数 attachment leigzh 2009-11-5 12338 iwowlifei 2010-4-7 14:22
仿真应用:ModelSim住址资料合集 attachment  ...2 xiaoxiaoyuwts 2009-8-26 183961 gsy703 2010-3-28 00:42
SystemVerilog Enhancement Proposal Outline attachment eric2065 2009-8-31 22323 tiger1020 2010-3-26 20:25
Ebook attachment caltech_usa 2008-9-11 52273 limingchou 2010-3-26 09:28
RF Design attachment caltech_usa 2008-9-11 12021 limingchou 2010-3-26 09:26
微波集成电路cad attachment zhangc03 2008-4-4 42275 limingchou 2010-3-26 09:25
DC 教程 grant_he 2008-4-18 62467 neptune1983 2010-3-25 23:34
[资料] MPC603 attachment marvolus 2010-3-25 02233 marvolus 2010-3-25 21:20
[其它] out of date jling8 2009-6-5 12761 limingchou 2010-3-25 21:19
110$的验证书籍,非常值得下载  ...2 zweishi 2009-1-31 144543 limingchou 2010-3-25 21:00
51 设计资料 attachment  ...2345 henry1981525 2007-12-4 449202 limingchou 2010-3-25 20:53
Processor Design: System-On-Chip Computing for ASICs and FPGAs  ...2 rfjungle 2008-1-2 154836 limingchou 2010-3-25 19:38
[原创] ARM第四代总线 jrzhang 2010-3-23 22750 lumianic99 2010-3-25 01:44
[资料] 板级电磁兼容必看资料 attachment chenjin_ruoye 2010-3-5 82565 alenanderson 2010-3-24 09:31
[资料] OpE en Verification Methodology Cookbook daidaohan 2010-3-16 02632 daidaohan 2010-3-16 20:29
McGraw Hill VHDL Programming by Example 4th Ed.pdf attachment Ghost_xia 2009-3-20 83087 alenanderson 2010-3-15 23:34
[资料] VSTut.pdf attachment ohfour110 2010-3-9 46296 sdkuan 2010-3-15 08:57
[转贴] Matlab使用手册 attachment ybzhang2009 2010-3-11 12313 eecc 2010-3-15 04:32
OVM 2.0 资料 attachment  ...2 liuqing 2009-4-8 174604 hiabbs1234 2010-3-12 10:14
有没有vweave的中文文档? BABABA 2009-12-8 13864 gayball 2010-3-9 22:38
systemverilog reverence manual attachment 2009-10-7 53953 zjwwmh 2010-3-9 15:09
[资料] SystemVerilog标准2007 attachment 双氧水 2010-1-19 62913 xlove 2010-3-7 09:59
开发工程师的出路 attachment  ...2 huangcarl070 2008-10-4 186884 北上的蚂蚁 2010-3-3 23:19
cadense ncverilog如何用啊。 frankie1 2009-12-5 52667 kyoiwaiah 2010-3-1 19:57
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