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IC验证资料 今日: 5 |主题: 3573|排名: 9 

[其它] out of date jling8 2009-6-5 12820 limingchou 2010-3-25 21:19
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51 设计资料 attachment  ...2345 henry1981525 2007-12-4 449612 limingchou 2010-3-25 20:53
Processor Design: System-On-Chip Computing for ASICs and FPGAs  ...2 rfjungle 2008-1-2 155077 limingchou 2010-3-25 19:38
[原创] ARM第四代总线 jrzhang 2010-3-23 22880 lumianic99 2010-3-25 01:44
[资料] 板级电磁兼容必看资料 attachment chenjin_ruoye 2010-3-5 82640 alenanderson 2010-3-24 09:31
[资料] OpE en Verification Methodology Cookbook daidaohan 2010-3-16 02733 daidaohan 2010-3-16 20:29
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[资料] VSTut.pdf attachment ohfour110 2010-3-9 46371 sdkuan 2010-3-15 08:57
[转贴] Matlab使用手册 attachment ybzhang2009 2010-3-11 12376 eecc 2010-3-15 04:32
OVM 2.0 资料 attachment  ...2 liuqing 2009-4-8 174775 hiabbs1234 2010-3-12 10:14
有没有vweave的中文文档? BABABA 2009-12-8 13940 gayball 2010-3-9 22:38
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[资料] SystemVerilog标准2007 attachment 双氧水 2010-1-19 63014 xlove 2010-3-7 09:59
开发工程师的出路 attachment  ...2 huangcarl070 2008-10-4 187009 北上的蚂蚁 2010-3-3 23:19
cadense ncverilog如何用啊。 frankie1 2009-12-5 52754 kyoiwaiah 2010-3-1 19:57
[资料] 验证资料calibre attachment xiao198718 2010-2-27 12373 robberxiong 2010-2-27 16:04
[资料] eetop[1].cn_keygen.rar attachment afei20082003 2010-2-22 02778 afei20082003 2010-2-22 10:39
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VHDL上机手册 attachment lvbh04 2008-11-6 92785 alenanderson 2010-2-14 17:44
国芯IC经典培训资料 attachment  ...23456 wxxuzhong 2008-7-26 5613105 dzhzjv 2010-2-10 23:31
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[求助] 求助tcl方面的实例 william_kuang 2010-1-21 02811 william_kuang 2010-1-21 10:17
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[原创] writing TESTBENCHES hahaximi 2010-1-7 14552 windymotto 2010-1-9 21:16
[原创] 技术交流 attachment xibuol 2008-1-21 43082 hjy01 2010-1-3 17:26
比较VHDL、Verilog,System_verilog attachment danieljjj 2009-1-3 92615 create 2010-1-1 10:30
谁有calibre 的软件能否通过链接共享一下 chibijia 2009-12-3 52650 wowooo 2009-12-30 15:53
[求助] 谁有systemverilog 2009 的standard? edalearner 2009-12-29 02531 edalearner 2009-12-29 12:56
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可靠性那本书好 wsun515 2008-5-4 32656 powerz 2009-12-21 10:19
calibre attachment  ...2 wawejin 2009-6-30 113982 socrates77 2009-12-16 13:48
关于Lutch up不错的资料,E文,很长 attachment hljqsc 2009-8-13 42686 taoying 2009-12-11 13:39
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