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IC验证资料 今日: 1 |主题: 3574|排名: 20 

[资料] CMOS 工艺流程 英文 attachment shuimu888 2011-4-14 32410 fengrlove 2011-5-25 17:51
Prentice Design Verification With E Ebook attachment dongdong13 2008-9-30 92510 usb_geek 2011-5-19 08:53
[资料] 发一本国外的关于verilog的外部编程语言接口的好书 attachment  ...23 kschow 2010-4-3 266518 qw001 2011-5-18 07:36
Design_Compiler_User_Guide,_version_Z-2007.03 attachment  ...2 叶显阳 2008-9-23 153787 nash1 2011-5-18 06:01
HSPICE经典培训ppt attachment  ...23 liuyanluo 2008-9-7 245839 kevin20833 2011-5-15 23:06
modelsim 6.4 crack attachment  ...23 isaactzeng 2009-10-1 275456 xlsman1983 2011-5-14 18:10
IEEE SystemVerilog Standard 2005 attachment  ...2 anynothing 2009-6-17 123690 litaoney 2011-5-14 11:46
[原创] IC_soft 大部分软件分享  ...2 jieshunzhu 2011-1-21 114363 jieshunzhu 2011-5-12 15:50
[资料] FPGA PROTOTYPING BY VHDL EXAMPLES swy940625 2011-5-8 12041 xlteam2 2011-5-10 11:41
[求助] 求有关DC综合的资料 ibunuo 2011-5-9 01907 ibunuo 2011-5-9 09:28
[原创] 分享SV验证必备资料SV for verification attachment darkstar1011 2010-7-4 92632 jackbh851 2011-5-6 22:23
[原创] EDA工具使用视频教程(Acetel2) attachment wanglixu2005 2010-10-10 86722 hai6162006 2011-4-29 18:32
高速电路PCB布线中参考层的设计与实现 attachment vgboss 2009-5-14 82724 LISHILIN09 2011-4-29 10:31
[原创] IC layout 实用小贴士 attachment  ...23 杜王町 2010-4-17 255898 peter0426 2011-4-28 07:36
[资料] Comparison of VHDL Verilog and SystemVerilog attachment fort2121 2010-9-14 32574 bhtom58 2011-4-28 01:53
[求助] 有没有封装测试的权威书?推荐下谢谢 wolaile333 2011-4-23 34137 yanglingling87 2011-4-26 20:29
soc52 license, 试过可用 attachment  ...2 hhll26 2008-10-20 187606 一日一瓜 2011-4-26 19:48
程序员面试宝典第二版 attachment  ...23 malili2009 2009-10-25 215977 zenghaitao0128 2011-4-24 22:31
GA Optimization for RFID Broadband Antenna Applications attachment caltech_usa 2008-9-3 52444 duduxy 2011-4-21 17:32
orcad pspice教程下载 attachment  ...23 fanbo46 2009-1-20 277346 heiqishi123 2011-4-17 14:50
lattice FPGA attachment haiwaw 2008-3-23 22473 雪剑 2011-4-16 14:19
[资料] FPGA各种设计软件介绍 attachment  ...23 brutal918 2010-3-6 295951 fangqi6077 2011-4-15 21:13
SystemC quick reference Card attachment  ...2 maxsnail 2008-8-15 137117 xjfl64 2011-4-15 19:11
[經典好書分享] Asic and Fpga Verification:A Guide to Component attachment  ...23456..22 eetopholic 2007-11-9 21229457 mt0601 2011-4-14 15:05
[资料] OVM_2.0_Golden_Reference_Guide attachment  ...2 zeno83121 2010-7-27 173904 liuyongchong 2011-4-13 21:25
[资料] [IC热分析仿真模型标准]JESD15_THERMAL MODELING OVERVIEW attachment free2bird 2010-8-15 32146 marmor 2011-4-12 16:03
IC封装技术(下) attachment  ...234 dykonka 2009-8-12 326536 milidingdong 2011-4-12 10:39
[原创] 新的工具语言Gv attachment  ...2 hemm2000 2011-1-17 106234 wangjunweiair 2011-4-12 00:16
SystemVerilog设计例题 解码器 attachment nemo2009 2009-4-21 52159 胖胖的笨笨 2011-4-11 11:36
MEDICI 的使用简介.doc attachment  ...23 Leiva 2008-11-1 216665 heiqishi123 2011-4-9 13:01
[原创] ECO compiler huangshulang 2011-4-9 03190 huangshulang 2011-4-9 11:20
[资料] Closed Geekoo5 2011-4-4 02039 Geekoo5 2011-4-4 07:53
[资料] medeci下载(25个附件),知道大家的辛苦,只要2信元 attachment daleijing 2011-4-3 02142 daleijing 2011-4-3 21:06
xilinx modelsim后仿真的教程 attachment  ...23 kangrx 2009-6-6 218859 zhusichao_88 2011-4-3 13:25
发光二极管失效分析 attachment gzajing 2008-4-21 42775 孙成朴 2011-4-1 18:39
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