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我的Golden RTL中,有这样的二维端口:
output [3:0][18:0] avpll_freq_offset;
output [75:0] avpll_freq_offset;
然后跑Conformal LEC的时候,就有了如下的warning:
// Warning: Golden and Revised have different numbers of key points: // Warning: Primary output 'avpll_freq_offset[3][18]' in Golden has no correspondence in Revised // Warning: Primary output 'avpll_freq_offset[3][17]' in Golden has no correspondence in Revised // Warning: Primary output 'avpll_freq_offset[3][16]' in Golden has no correspondence in Revised ……………………. // Warning: Primary output 'avpll_freq_offset[75]' in Revised has no correspondence in Golden // Warning: Primary output 'avpll_freq_offset[74]' in Revised has no correspondence in Golden // Warning: Primary output 'avpll_freq_offset[73]' in Revised has no correspondence in Golden // Warning: Primary output 'avpll_freq_offset[72]' in Revised has no correspondence in Golden
LEC没办法知道avpll_freq_offset[3][18] = avpll_freq_offset[75], and so on.
我试过在脚本中加入add renaming rule -pin_multidim_to_1dim,貌似没用。 |