发表于 2023-12-5 14:42:47
<INFO-2> Start patching...
<INFO-3> Searching...
Generic ECC patcher(Java) by tanker, v1.0, 2020-05
Type -h for more help..
Extract jar and check for PriKey.class, please wait...
FTW done with ret code = 0, all file checked
Total search 763 files.
Total 0 files will be changed. Add -y to patch ECC.
<INFO-4> Patching...
Generic ECC patcher(Java) by tanker, v1.0, 2020-05
Type -h for more help..
Extract jar and check for PriKey.class, please wait...
FTW done with ret code = 0, all file checked
Total search 763 files.
Total 0 file are changed.