本帖最后由 菠萝赛东 于 2023-3-16 10:44 编辑
I have tried this but when the create_power_domain has hierachical module (containing "/"), the same Error would be reported by Innovus.
And here is my solution to this problem:
I have add
set_attrui_respects_preserve false ungroup -all at the positions after elabration, and after systhesis before output .v netlist and .cpf in Genus systhesis flow script.
The output netlis is ungrouped and flateened to some extent.
And the submodule in the output cpf is like :
(In input .cpf: pulpino_top_i/core_region_i/instr_mem/boot_rom_wrap_i)
Innovus would not have this probelm.
Thanks for your reply!