[Labtools 27-3412] Mismatch between the design programmed into the device 'xc7a100t' (JTAG device index = '0'
and the probes file(s) 'E:/verilog/FRE_DEC/FRE_DEC.runs/impl_1/debug_nets.ltx'.
The hw_probe '<const0>' in the probes file has port index '15'. This port location for the ILA core at location (uuid_23E7D65A79BC59F7BC47406C1714DFAE), does not support a data probe.
1) Ensure that the clock signal connected to the debug core and/or debug hub is clean and free-running.
2) Ensure that the clock connected to the debug core and/or debug hub meets all timing constraints.
3) Ensure that the JTAG clock frequency is 2.5x times slower than the frequency of the clock connected to your debug hub.