Warning [input]: Line 7: 'well' statement is ignored in ICT file line.
Warning [input]: Line 8: 'well' statement is ignored in ICT file line.
ERROR (EXTZTECH-213) : Error [input]: Layers FOXB and ONO in ICT file
overlap. Check ICT file and rerun Techgen.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41466): process layer 'mim' maps to one or more extraction
layers that do not appear in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41466): process layer 'metal4' maps to one or more extraction
layers that do not appear in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41466): process layer 'poly' maps to one or more extraction
layers that do not appear in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41466): process layer 'N_SOURCE_DRAIN' maps to one or more extraction
layers that do not appear in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41446): Substrate layer 'N_SOURCE_DRAIN' will be automatically generated
during extraction due to incomplete p2lvs mapping. This may lead to
unintended results.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41466): process layer 'FOXB' maps to one or more extraction
layers that do not appear in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41446): Substrate layer 'FOXB' will be automatically generated
during extraction due to incomplete p2lvs mapping. This may lead to
unintended results.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41474): Contact layer 'dfCont' specified in the p2lvsfile is not found in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41474): Contact layer 'dfCont' specified in the p2lvsfile is not found in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41474): Contact layer 'via3' specified in the p2lvsfile is not found in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41474): Contact layer 'via2' specified in the p2lvsfile is not found in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41474): Contact layer 'via1' specified in the p2lvsfile is not found in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41474): Contact layer 'polyCont' specified in the p2lvsfile is not found in the lvsfile.
WARNING (CAPGEN-41474): Contact layer 'dfCont' specified in the p2lvsfile is not found in the lvsfile.