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[原创] Understanding Delta sigma adc

发表于 2016-1-26 21:45:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 The Needfor OversamplingConverters 1
1.2 Delta andDelta-SigmaModulation 4
1.3Higher-OrderSingle-StageNoise-ShapingModulators 9
1.4Multi-Stage(Cascade,MASH)Modulators 10
1.5BandpassL\LModulators 13
1.6L\:EModulatorswithMulti-BitQuantizers 15
1.7Delta-SigmaDigital-to-AnalogConverters 16
1.8HistoryerformanceandArchitectureTrends 17

Chapter 2 The First-Order DeltaSigma Modulator 21

2.1QuantizersandQuantizationNoise 21
2.1.1 Binary Quantization 28
2.2 MOD 1 as an ADC 29
2.3 MOD 1 as a DAC 34
2.4MODILinearModel 36
2.5SimulationofMOD 1 38
2.6MODIunder DCExcitation 41
2.6.J Idle Tone Generation 42
2.62Graphical Visualization 45
2.7StabilityofMODI 49
2.8 The EffectsofFiniteOp-AmpGain SO
2.8.1Linear SystemsPerspective-Degraded NoiseShaping 50
2.8.2Nonlinear SystemsPerspective-DeadZones 51
2.9DecimationFilters forMODI S4
2.9.1TheSineFilter[9] 55
2.9.2 The Sinc2 Filter 58
2.10Conclusions 60

Chapter 3
The Second-Order Delta-Sigma Modulator 63

3.1 TheSecond-OrderModulator: MOD2 63
3.2SimulationofMOD2 67
3.3NonlinearEffects in MOD2 71
3.3 1Signal-dependentquantizergain 71
3.3.2StabilityofMOD2 74
3.3.3Dead-bandbehavior 77
3.4AlternativeSecond-OrderModulatorStructures 79
3.4.1The Boser-Wooley Modulator 79
3.4.2TheSilva-SteensgaardStructure 80
3.4.3 The Error-Feedback Structure 81
3.4.4GeneralizedSecond-OrderStructures 82
3.4.5 OptimalSecond-OrderModulator 84
3.5DecimationFilteringforSecond-OrderLU;Modulators 86
3.6Conclusions 89

Chapter 4 Higher-OrderDelta-SigmaModulation 91

4.1High-OrderSingle-QuantizerModulators 91
4.2StabilityConsiderationsinHigh-OrderModulators 97

4.2.1 Single-Bit Modulators 98
4.2.2Multi-Bit Modulators[12] 104
4.3 Optimization of the NTF Zeros and Poles 107
4.3.1 NTF Zero Optimization 107
4.3.2NTF Pole Optimization 111
4.4 Loop Filter Architectures 115
4.4.1 Loop Filters with Distributed Feedback and InputCoupling-The CIFB
and CRFB Structures 115
4.4.2Loop Filters with Distributed Feedforward and InputCoupling-The
CIFF and CRFF Structures 121
4.5 Multi-Stage Modulators 122
4.5.1 The Leslie-Singb(L-O Cascade) Structure [16J 123
4.5.2Cascade (MASH) Modulators 127
4.5.3Noise Leakage in Cascade Modulators 132
4.6 Conclusions 136

Chapter 5 BandpassandQuadratureDelta-Sigma Modulation 139

5.1 The Need for Bandpass and Quadrature Modulation 139
5.2 Bandpass NTF Selection 145
5.2.1 Pseudo N-path transformation 149
5.3 Architectures for Bandpass Delta-Sigma Modulators 151
5.3.1 Topology Choices 151
5.3.2Resonator Implementations 154
5.4 BandpassModulatorExample 161
5.5QuadratureSignals 166
5.6 Quadrature Modulation 172
5.7 Conclusions 176

Chapter 6 Implementation Considerations ForL\LADCs 179

6.1 Modulators with Multi-Bit Internal Quantizers 179
6.2Dual-QuantizerModulators 182
6.2.1 Dual-Quantization MASH Structure 182
6.2.2Dual-Quantization Single-Stage Structure 183
6.3 Dynamic Element Randomization 184

6.4MismatchErrorShaping 186
6.4.1ElementRotationorData-WeightedAveraging 189
6.4.2IndividualLevel Averaging 191
6.4.3Vector-BasedMismatch Shaping 192
6.4.4ElementSelectionUsing a Tree Structure 196
6.5 DigitalCorrectionof DAC Nonlinearity 199
6.5.1Digitally-CorrectedMulti-BitLU:Modulatorwith Power-Up
Calibration 200
Calibration 202
6.6Continuous-TimeImplementations 205
6.6.1 AContinuous-TImeImplementationofMOD2 207
6.6.2 InherentAnti-Aliasingin CT L\~ADCs 212
6.6.3Design IssuesforContinuous-TImeModulators 213
6.7Conclusions 216

Chapter 7 Delta-SigmaDACs 219

7.1 SystemArchitecturesfor~LDACs 220
7.2 Loopconfigurationsfor~LDACs 222
7.2.1 Single-StageDelta-SigmaLoops 223
7.2.2 The Error Feedback Structure 224
7.2.3 Cascade(MASH)Structures 226
7.3~LDACs Using Multi-Bit Internal DACs 229
7.3.1Dual-TruncationDACStructures 230
7.3.2 Multi-bitDelta-SigmaDACs with Mismatch ErrorShaping 232
7.3.3 DigitalCorrectionofMulti-BitDelta-SigmaDACs 236
7.3.4ComparisonofSingle-BitandMulti-BitL\LDACs 238
7.4InterpolationFilteringfor~'LDACs 239
7.5 AnalogPost-FiltersforL\'LDACs 243
7.5.1AnalogPost-FilteringinSingle-Bit~LDACs 244
7.5.2 AnalogPost-FilteringinMulti-BitL\LDACs 251
7.6Conclusions 253

Chapter 8 High-LevelDesignand Simulation 257

8.1 NTF Synthesis 257
8.1.1 HowsynthesizeNTFworks 260

8.1.2LimitationsofsynthesizeNTF 262
8.2NTFSimulation,SQNRCalculationandSpectralEstimation 263
8.3NTFRealizationandDynamicRangeScaling 266
83.1 TheABeDMatrix 271
8.4Creatinga SPICE-SimulatableSchematic 273
8.4.1 Voltage Scaling 273
8.4.2Timing 274
8.4.3kT/C Noise 280
8.5Conclusions 281

Chapter 9 ExampleModulatorSystems 283

ADC 283
9.1.1 System Design 284
9.1.2 TIming 286
9.1.3Scaling 288
9.1.4Verification 289
9.1.5CapacitorSizing 292
9.J.6 Circuit Design 294
9.2SCMOD5:AFifth-OrderSingle-BitNoise-ShapingLoop 298
9.2.1 NTFandArchitecture Selection 298
9.2.2 Implementation 302
9.2.3InstabilityandReset 311
9.3 AWideband2-0 CascadeSystem 311
9.3.1 Architecture 312
9.3 2Implementation 315
9.4 AMicropowerContinuous-TimeADC 317
9.4.1 High-Level Design 318
9.4.2 Circuit Design 322
9.5 AContinuous-TimeBandpassADC 326
9.5.1 Architecture/Analysis 328
9.5.2 Subcircuits 333
9.6AudioDAC 337
9.6.1 ModulatorDesign 338
9.6.2 Interpolation Filter Design 344
9.6.3DACandReconstruction Filter Design 355
9.7Conclusions 357
9.7.1 TheADCState-of-the-Art 357

9.7.2 FOMJustification 359
9.7.2References 362

APPENDIX A SpectralEstimation 365

A.IWindowing 366
A.2 Scalingand Noise Bandwidth 373
A.3Averaging 377
A.4 An Example 379
A.5MathematicalBackground 383

APPENDIX B The Delta-Sigma Toolbox 389

Demonstrationsand Examples 390
Summaryof Key Functions 391
synthesizeNTF 393
predictSNR 395
simulateDSM 396
simulateSNR 398
realizeNTF 400
stuffABCD, mapABCD 401
scaleABCD 402
calculateTF 403
simulateESL 404
designHBF 405
simulateHBF 408
findPIS 409
Modulator ModelDetails 410

APPENDIX C Noise in Switched-Capacitor Delta-Sigma Data Converters 417

C.1 Noise Effects in CMOS Op Amps 419
C.2 SampledThermalNoise 423
C.3 Noise Effects in an SC Integrator 425
C.4 IntegratorNoise Analysis Example 433
C.5 Noise Effects in Delta-SigmaADC Loops 435

Understanding_Delta-sigma adc.part1.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 868 )

Understanding_Delta-sigma adc.part2.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 877 )

Understanding_Delta-sigma adc.part3.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 816 )

Understanding_Delta-sigma adc.part4.rar (10.22 MB, 下载次数: 883 )
发表于 2016-1-27 02:57:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-1-27 08:26:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-1-27 17:14:04 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks a lot
发表于 2016-1-27 17:33:26 | 显示全部楼层
早就有了, Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, 2005
G. Temes
发表于 2016-1-27 20:34:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-1-28 09:55:31 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# Golden_谢谢分享
发表于 2016-4-5 09:42:17 | 显示全部楼层
have a look
发表于 2016-4-5 12:16:42 | 显示全部楼层
Super Good
发表于 2016-4-5 12:29:05 | 显示全部楼层
Really good
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