楼主 |
发表于 2015-6-16 10:57:29
hnuwyf 发表于 2015-6-15 17:45
官方数据手册”Spartan-6 FPGA Block RAM Resources User Guide“,里面说”The block RAM in Spartan-6 FPGAs stores up to 18K bits of data and can be configured as either two independent 9 Kb RAMs, or one 18 Kb RAM.“; 文档”Spartan-6 Family Overview“里面也说:
Programmable Data Width
• Each port can be configured as 16K × 1, 8K × 2, 4K × 4, 2K × 9 (or 8), 1K × 18 (or 16), or 512 x 36 (or 32).
• The x9, x18, and x36 configurations include parity bits. The two ports can have different aspect ratios.
• Each block RAM can be divided into two completely independent 9 Kb block RAMs that can each be configured to any
aspect ratio from 8K x 1 to 512 x 18, with 256 x 36 supported in simple dual-port mode.
这里面说的位宽都是经由Core Generator配置生成,也就是说在BlockRAM的基础上添加外围电路(?),但是我想知道的是BlockRAM本身的位宽是多少,18K×1?或者说BlockRAM的结构是什么样的,为什么一配置位宽就可以改变呢! |