#WARNING (NRDB-2005) SPECIAL_NET VDD has special wires but no definition for instance-pin connection. This will cause routability problems later.
#WARNING (NRDB-2005) SPECIAL_NET VSS has special wires but no definition for instance-pin connection. This will cause routability problems later.
版主,我是对一个block进行布局布线,没有IO的那种。加上“setAttribute -net {clk} -shield_net VSS”后,还是没有得到shielding,通过reportShield看到如下警告,该如何解决?
#WARNING (NRDB-2005) SPECIAL_NET VDD has special wires but no definition for instance-pin connection. This will cause routability problems later.
#WARNING (NRDB-2005) SPECIAL_NET VSS has special wires but no definition for instance-pin connection. This will cause routability problems later.
#WARNING (NRDB-976) The step 0.460000 for preferred direction tracks is smaller than the pitch 0.490000 for LAYER METAL6. This will cause routability problems for NanoRoute.
#Merging special wires...
Shielding Summary
#average ratio : 0.187
#number of nets no shielding: 3