library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- pragma translate_off
use std.textio.all;
-- pragma translate_on
library grlib;
use grlib.config_types.all;
use grlib.config.all;
use grlib.stdlib.all;
33: library grlib;
[Warning] Library GRLIB not found
34: use grlib.config_types.all;
[Error] CONFIG_TYPES is not a primary unit of library GRLIB
35: use grlib.config.all;
[Error] CONFIG is not a primary unit of library GRLIB
36: use grlib.stdlib.all;
[Error] STDLIB is not a primary unit of library GRLIB
Compiling Package Declaration AMBA
38: constant VENDOR_RESERVED : amba_vendor_type := 16#00#; -- Do not use!
[Error] Name AMBA_VENDOR_TYPE is unknown
39: constant VENDOR_GAISLER : amba_vendor_type := 16#01#;
[Error] Name AMBA_VENDOR_TYPE is unknown
40: constant VENDOR_PENDER : amba_vendor_type := 16#02#;
[Error] Name AMBA_VENDOR_TYPE is unknown