rfLib 下的VGA_BB的veriloga你可以参考一下。。。。。
// VerilogA baseband behavioral model of a power amplifier.
// Copyright (c) 1999
// by Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
// 11/14/99
//Engineering release only. No passband view.
/* This is a baseband behavioral model of a variable gain
amplifier. This model contains only third order non-linear
amplitude effects (am/am conversion). It does not include
second order non-linear effects. The transfer curve saturates
beyond the point where the slope of the transfer curve
is zero. The form of the am/pm conversion is
output_phase_shift = alpha*(Vin/Vcp)^n/(1+beta*(Vin/Vcp)^n).
Vcp is the compression point in volts. alpha and beta are
computed to produce zero phase shift at Vin=0, a specified
phase shift at the 1db compression point, and a specified
phase shift at Vin->infinity. "n" is selected by the user
to control how sharply the onset of am/pm conversion occurs.
G_in*gpv is a voltage numerically equal to the voltage gain.
Thus, when the voltage at G_in is 1 volt, the voltage
gain is gpv volt/volt.
gpv = voltage gain per volt on the G_in pin.
cpdb = 1 db compression point, measured in dbm,
referred to the output.
psinf = Output phase shift as the input power goes to infinity.
pscp = Output phase shift at the 1db compression point.
shp = Determines how fast the phase shift occurs with increasing
input power. A larger number delays the shift but makes
the shift rise faster as a function of input signal level.
cw = Determines the direction of the phase shift. The phase
shift is only in one direction. +1 means counter-clockwise, -1
means clockwise, and 0 means no phase shift (no am/pm conversion).
rin = input resistance
rout = output resistance
`include "constants.h"
`include "discipline.h"
`define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433
module VGA_BB(G_in, I_in, I_out, Q_in, Q_out);
input G_in;
electrical G_in;
inout I_in;
electrical I_in;
inout I_out;
electrical I_out;
inout Q_in;
electrical Q_in;
inout Q_out;
electrical Q_out;
parameter real gpv = 1 from (0:inf);
parameter real cpdb = -30;
parameter real rin = 50 from (0:inf);
parameter real rout = 50 from (0:inf);
parameter real pscp = 0.7 from (0:inf);
parameter real psinf = 2 from (pscp:inf);
parameter real shp = 2 from [0:inf);
parameter integer cw = 0 from [-1:1];
parameter real nf = 0;
real a;
real b;
real cmp;
real rho;
real rhooutmax;
real rhoinmax;
real rhoout;
real theta;
real beta;
real tmp;
real rnf;
real noise_current;
analog begin
// The "initial" block converts the input parameters from engineering
// units to implementation units.
@(initial_step("static") or initial_step("pss") or
initial_step("pdisto")) begin
beta = pscp/(psinf-pscp);
rnf = pow(10,nf/10);
// Compute everything that depends on the linear gain.
if (V(G_in)!=0) a = gpv*abs(V(G_in));
else a = 1e-6;
cmp = sqrt(pow(10,(cpdb+1)/10)*2*rout*0.001)/a;
b = a*(0.108749)/(cmp*cmp);
rhoinmax = sqrt(a/(3*b));
rhooutmax = (2*a/3)*rhoinmax;
noise_current = sqrt(8*(rnf-1)*1.380620e-23*$temperature/rin);
// Compute the input angle and radius.
if (V(I_in) !=0) theta = atan2(V(Q_in),V(I_in));
else if (V(Q_in) > 0) theta = `PI/2;
else theta = -`PI/2;
rho = hypot(V(I_in),V(Q_in));
// Apply the third order non-linearity. Clamp the
// output for extreme inputs.
if (rho < rhoinmax ) rhoout = (a - b*rho*rho)*rho;
else rhoout = rhooutmax;
// Rotate the output for am/pm conversion.
tmp = pow(rho/cmp,shp);
theta = theta + cw*(1+beta)*pscp*tmp/(1+beta*tmp);
I(I_in) <+ V(I_in)/rin;
I(Q_in) <+ V(Q_in)/rin;
I(I_out) <+ (-2*rhoout*cos(theta) + V(I_out))/rout;
I(Q_out) <+ (-2*rhoout*sin(theta) + V(Q_out))/rout;
// add the noise
I(I_in) <+ white_noise(noise_current*noise_current, "VGA_BB_i");
I(Q_in) <+ white_noise(noise_current*noise_current, "VGA_BB_q");
endmodule |