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目1.1.The Basics. 1.1 The Diode. 1.2 Current Mirrors. Appendix A.1: Temperature Dependence of the Diode Voltage. 2. Current References. 2.1 PTAT Current References. 2.2 Startup Circuits and Frequency Compensation. 2.3 CTAT Current References. 2.4 Temperature-Independent Current References. 2.5 PTAT Current Generators.
3. Voltage References. 3.1 Zero-Order References. 3.2 First-Order References. 3.3 Second-Order References (Curvature Correction). 3.4 State-of-the-Art Curvature-Correction Techniques.
4. Designing Precision Reference Circuits. 4.1 Error Sources. 4.2 The Output Stage. 4.3 Designing for Power Supply Rejection and Line Regulation. Appendix A.4: Error Sources in a Typical First-Order Bandgap. Appendix B.4: Effect of the Resistors' Temperature Coefficient on a Reference with a Current-Mode Output Stage.
5. Considering the System and the Working Environment. 5.1 Design of the Trim Network. 5.2 Package-Shift Effects. 5.3 System-Related Issues. 5.4 Characterization.
Appendix A.5: Bandgap Trimming Procedure for a Mixed-Mode (Both Voltage-Mode and Current-Mode) Output Stage. Appendix B.5: Package Shift-Effects in Bandgap Reference Circuits. Appendix C.5: Derivation of the Time Required for a Reference Circuit to Change a Finite Amount upon a single-Step Stimulus. Index. About the Author.
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