tetramax如何处理多个dc的结果?此时多个module都已做了完整的scan chain,
但是官方说you start with the completed scan design for each module. You write the netlists, combine and link the netlists, and make the final scan chain connections, thus gen-eratinga combined netlist for the entire design. A test protocol file is created automatically.For informationon creating a test protocol file, see“STILProcedure Files.” Finally, you use the combined netlist and the manually generated test protocol file as inputs toTetraMAX.
其中现在我有2个dc的netlist,还有2个spf文件,官方的意思是combine that netlists,然后对scan chain重新做连接,最后重新生成一个spf文件,哪位大神做过此流程????我不明白的是如何做“make the final scan chain connections”和“create test protocol”这2步,第一次接触,不知道如何做这个流程,还请大神们给点意见,指导下。