发表于 2012-8-15 09:57:47
《现代电子技术》2006 年第5 期总第220 期 þ 电子技术应用ü
CMOS 带隙基准电压源中的曲率校正方法
(同济大学 上海 200092)
摘 要:基准电压源是集成电路系统中一个非常重要的构成单元。结合近年来的设计经验,首先给出了带隙基准源曲率产生的主要原因,而后介绍了在高性能CMOS 带隙基准电压源中所广泛采用的几种曲率校正方法。给出并分析了一些近年来采用曲率校正方法的CMOS 带隙基准电压源核心电路以及他们的设计原理、理论推导、参考电路和特点。最后,对于所讨论的基准源电路进行了性能比较和优缺点分析。
关键词:CMOS ;带隙基准源;曲率校正;集成电路
中图分类号: TN432 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004 373X(2006) 05 113 04
Design Considerations of Recent Curvature Corrected CMOS Bandgap Reference
SHI Kanjun ,XU Weisheng ,YU Youling
( Tongji University ,Shanghai ,200092 ,China)
Abstract :Voltage reference is one of the most important IC cells. The main reason that produces the curvature is int roduced and thedesign considerations of recent curvature corrected CMOS bandgap references are discussed in this paper. Some rencently reported core
circuit s of CMOS bandgap references with curvature correction are included and analyzed , with regard to the design principles , theoretical derivation ,reference circuit s and features. Moreover ,a comparison is made on performances of mentioned circuit s.
Keywords :CMOS ;bandgap reference ;curvature correction ;integrated circuit |