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UVM_INFO:@ 0:reporter [RNTST] Running test my_case0...
UVM_WARNING @ 0: uvm_test_top.env [UVM_DEPRECATED] build()/build_phase() has been called explicitly,outside of the phasing system. This usage of build is deprecated and may lead to unexpected behavior.
now trans num is 1
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
UVM_ERROR /opt1/eda_tools/synopsys/vcsmx_vF/etc/uvm-1.1/base/uvm_phase.svh(1203) @9200:reporter [PH_TIMEOUT] Default phase timeout of 9200 hit. All processes are waiting,indicationg a probable testbench issue.Phase 'main' ready to end
UVM_WARNING @ 9200 : main [OBJTN_CLEAR] Object 'uvm.uvm_sched.main' cleared objection counts for main
UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test my_case0...
UVM_WARNING @ 0: uvm_test_top.env [UVM_DEPRECATED] build()/build_phase() has been called explicitly,outside of the phasing system .This usage of build is deprecated and may lead to unexpected behavior.
now trans num is 1
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
now trans num is 2
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
now trans num is 3
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
now trans num is 4
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
now trans num is 5
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
now trans num is 6
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
now trans num is 7
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
now trans num is 8
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
now trans num is 9
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
now trans num is 10
hahaha ........ Compare SUCCESSFULLY
Simulation completed via $finish(1) at time 141290 NS + 79 |