
楼主 |
发表于 2012-2-28 14:49:33
回复 5# 陈涛
恩,我弄错了。改过之后,貌似还是不行,出现这些。。请问哪里还有问题呢?*** Starting placeDesign default flow ***
*** Start deleteBufferTree ***
Info: Detect buffers to remove automatically.
Analyzing netlist ...
Updating netlist
*summary: 0 instances (buffers/inverters) removed
*** Finish deleteBufferTree (0:00:00.0) ***
*** Starting "NanoPlace(TM) placement v0.845 (mem=234.5M)" ...
*** Build Buffered Sizing Timing Model
(cpu=0:00:03.0 mem=234.5M) ***
*** Build Virtual Sizing Timing Model
(cpu=0:00:03.4 mem=234.5M) ***
Options: timingDriven ignoreScan ignoreSpare pinGuide gpeffort=medium
**WARN: (SOCDB-2082): Scan chains were not defined, -ignoreScan option will be ignored.
Please first define the scan chains before using this option.
#std cell=205 #block=0 (0 floating + 0 preplaced) #ioInst=0 #net=265 #term=737 #term/net=2.78, #fixedIo=0, #floatIo=0, #fixedPin=0, #floatPin=34
stdCell: 205 single + 0 double + 0 multi
Total standard cell length = 1.1266 (mm), area = 0.0057 (mm^2)
Average module density = 0.707.
Density for the design = 0.707.
= stdcell_area 1707 (5678 um^2) / alloc_area 2416 (8037 um^2).
Pin Density = 0.432.
= total # of pins 737 / total Instance area 1707.
Iteration 1: Total net bbox = 5.226e+03 (2.98e+03 2.24e+03)
Est. stn bbox = 5.226e+03 (2.98e+03 2.24e+03)
cpu = 0:00:00.0 real = 0:00:00.0 mem = 234.6M
Iteration 2: Total net bbox = 5.226e+03 (2.98e+03 2.24e+03)
Est. stn bbox = 5.226e+03 (2.98e+03 2.24e+03)
cpu = 0:00:00.0 real = 0:00:00.0 mem = 234.6M
Iteration 3: Total net bbox = 4.463e+03 (2.53e+03 1.93e+03)
Est. stn bbox = 4.463e+03 (2.53e+03 1.93e+03)
cpu = 0:00:00.0 real = 0:00:00.0 mem = 234.6M
Iteration 4: Total net bbox = 5.368e+03 (3.00e+03 2.37e+03)
Est. stn bbox = 5.368e+03 (3.00e+03 2.37e+03)
cpu = 0:00:00.0 real = 0:00:00.0 mem = 234.6M
Iteration 5: Total net bbox = 5.512e+03 (3.08e+03 2.43e+03)
Est. stn bbox = 5.512e+03 (3.08e+03 2.43e+03)
cpu = 0:00:00.0 real = 0:00:00.0 mem = 234.6M
Iteration 6: Total net bbox = 6.912e+03 (4.54e+03 2.37e+03)
Est. stn bbox = 7.588e+03 (4.96e+03 2.63e+03)
cpu = 0:00:00.1 real = 0:00:00.0 mem = 234.6M
*** cost = 6.912e+03 (4.54e+03 2.37e+03) (cpu for global=0:00:00.1) real=0:00:00.0***
Core Placement runtime cpu: 0:00:00.1 real: 0:00:00.0
Starting refinePlace ...
Placement tweakage begins.
wire length = 7.410e+03 = 4.811e+03 H + 2.599e+03 V
wire length = 6.033e+03 = 3.416e+03 H + 2.617e+03 V
Placement tweakage ends.
Statistics of distance of Instance movement in detailed placement:
maximum (X+Y) = 24.60 um
inst (mult_14/U48) with max move: (62.04, 70.56) -> (47.52, 80.64)
mean (X+Y) = 7.26 um
Total instances flipped : 3
Total instances moved : 146
*** cpu=0:00:00.0 mem=234.6M mem(used)=0.0M***
Total net length = 6.123e+03 (3.416e+03 2.707e+03) (ext = 2.029e+03)
*** End of Placement (cpu=0:00:03.6, real=0:00:03.0, mem=234.6M) ***
default core: bins with density > 0.75 = 25 % ( 1 / 4 )
*** Free Virtual Timing Model ...(mem=234.5M)
Starting IO pin assignment...
Completed IO pin assignment.
**WARN: (SOCSP-9025): No scan chain specified/traced.
*** Finishing placeDesign default flow ***
**placeDesign ... cpu = 0: 0: 4, real = 0: 0: 4, mem = 234.5M ** |