发表于 2013-12-3 19:00:20
An fterm is a "formal terminal". Here is a comparison of fterms and terms:
“cells” have “fterms”
“insts” have “terms”
“terms” connect to “nets”
“nets” connect to “terms” and “fterms”
“fterms” are IO Pins as viewed by the top “cell”
“fterms” can also be the pins on a LEF library cell, as in “BUFX2”
Please look into the Database Access Command Diagram in EDI System Database Access Command Reference manual for clarification.
For example, if a Verilog file has:
module top (A, B...)
inst1 BUFX2 ( .a(A), .... )
end top
"A" is the fterm and "a" is the term. If you are referring to the pins of a library cell such as BUFX2, then you use "fterm". If you are referring to the pins of an instance of BUFX2 using "term".
http://support.cadence.com/wps/myportal/cos/COSHome/viewsolution/!ut/p/c5/dY1JboMwAEXPkgNEtqECszQ2g0tKAgFCvUEE0ZR5ENDA6UMO0PeXT18PCLCvTZfikU5F16Y1iIFQEiRZFDkfUDtTF0OOFdfxIwPugNv7oSTwHwgE30Coby9JCEPNMgMdcurwT6zKEnQUELXd2OylAMR2NuqsIn-MMC9QhllcQpvN_DjJYvR-H6u2JIaWxzqzv9YZ35FECe79Hmf9HM7kuZ6eNPSFhSI5yHO4ZcV2PZ_C-3LlZfJzVNEt08qhbibPoBUrp4EHl9rcfJYv_ABcu2ty0FftZmJyeAERCXTn/dl3/d3/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/# |