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[求助] Problems when simulating a simple analog integrator in Pspice

发表于 2011-7-19 09:31:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 waynesuvol 于 2011-7-19 10:33 编辑

Hi everyone!

Sorry that I can not type Chinese right now......

I am now trying to simulate the transient behavior of a conventional analog integrator in Pspice.
The circuit is simple, capacitor in the negative feedback loop around the ideal opamp. I attach the screenshot of the schematic.
I use a DC source as the input of the integrator. I just want to see the output of the opamp integrating with the constant.
BUT, the simulation result is very disappointing. The output of the opamp is clipped at the negative power supply. But what we expect is a ramp.
Is this result caused by the algorithm used by Pspice? There shouldn't be anything wrong with the circuit because it is too simple. I think it must have something to do with the method that pspice uses to solve the circuit.

The DC operating point simulation showed that, the voltage of inverting input terminal is not near ground. It is equal to the input voltage......too bad....
This should be something related to how Pspice extracts the matrix of the circuit, I think. But I really do not know why...

Please help!!! Thanks a lot!!



OP simulation

OP simulation
发表于 2011-7-19 09:40:56 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-19 09:48:02 | 显示全部楼层
回复 2# xjqxjq28007

I have tried to use a step input, but the transient simulation was still too bad...... far from the expected one... It seems that Pspice can not extracted the circuit matrix the same way we usually use to calculate the output...
发表于 2011-7-19 09:58:57 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# waynesuvol

 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-19 10:37:58 | 显示全部楼层
回复 4# xjqxjq28007

   Hi xjqxjq28007 ! Thanks for your help.   The behavior is still far from the theoretical result...
   I have just attached a operating point simulation screenshot, where I put a big resistor in parallel with the capacitor. The problem is that the negative input terminal is not virtual ground. How could I make it around ground potential? Thanks!
发表于 2011-7-19 13:12:54 | 显示全部楼层
回复 5# waynesuvol

发表于 2011-7-19 13:22:05 | 显示全部楼层
回复 5# waynesuvol

 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-19 23:04:47 | 显示全部楼层
回复 7# xjqxjq28007

   Hi, 谢谢你的回答!确实,在瞬态仿真的时候,初始条件必须得小心的设置,我们需要让这个电路在瞬态仿真的时候可以顺利的启动!

发表于 2011-7-20 09:24:25 | 显示全部楼层
回复 8# waynesuvol

发表于 2011-7-20 10:12:29 | 显示全部楼层
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