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The growing demand for high-speed, broadband data communication motivates
the development of low-cost, high-performance optical receivers for
fiber-optical networks. This book sets its focus especially on highly sensitive
receivers with medium and high speed capability for the “last mile” connection
in fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) systems. These connections are normally
realized with infrared light with wavelengths of 1310 and 1540 nm. This fact
makes it necessary for silicon optical receivers to use an external Ge or III/Vsemiconductor
based photodiode. Therefore this book deals with optical receivers
for detection of infrared light, including all the problems emerging
from an external photodiode, such as very high input-node capacitance somewhere
in the order of pF, compared to an integrated photodiode where the
input-node capacitance is about an order of magnitude less, problems due
to bond-wire parasitics at the input-node, etc. The influence of these problems
can be clearly seen in the performance of optical receivers. The high
input-node capacitance, for example, strongly influences the bandwidth and
the sensitivity.
Compared to the book Integrated Silicon Optoelectronics of one of the
authors, which concentrates on physics and integration of photodetectors in
modern silicon bipolar, CMOS and BiCMOS processes, descriptions of fabrication
technologies and properties of integrated photodetectors, and Silicon
Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits, which goes deeper into the details of the
circuit design of ICs with integrated photodiodes for a wide variety of applications,
this book concentrates on circuit design for optical receivers with
external photodiodes for optical communication. The main subject of Highly
Sensitive Optical Receivers is the description of the state-of-the-art of lownoise
silicon amplifiers and the comparison of bipolar, CMOS, BiCMOS, as
well as SiGe amplifiers.
This new book is a summary of fundamental theory and a presentation of
state-of-the-art optical receiver circuits and designs. Recent optical receivers
developed by the authors show the rapid progress in optical receiver design.The first chapter explains the motivation why all optical receivers designed
by the authors are done in deep-sub-micron CMOS technology.
Although these deep-sub-micron CMOS technologies cause a lot of problems,
due to low power supply voltage, low Early voltage and so on, this book
will show that these technologies are attractive and interesting for low-noise
optical receivers for medium and high data rate applications.
In particular, the newest deep-sub-micron CMOS low-noise amplifier topologies
are described in detail addressing the challenging application in optical
burst-mode receivers. Thereby the excellent noise properties of deep-submicron
CMOS receivers and fast gain switching capability are highlighted. A
new approach for solving the stability problem resulting from gain switching
is described. This book shows how to solve the difficulties in circuit design
with deep-sub-micron CMOS technologies and how to use the benefits of the
technology as for example the possibility to easily integrate the analog and
the digital part in systems-on-chip (SoCs). Using a standard digital deep-submicron
CMOS process for analog design has the disadvantage of high device
tolerances to deal with, but avoids costs for technology development for analog
process extensions.
In the beginning of the book in Chap. 1 the motivation for burst-mode
communication and the incentive to use systems-on-chip in deep-sub-micron
CMOS technology are discussed.
In Chap. 2 different kinds of networks are described. Furthermore
continuous-mode and burst-mode access are compared. The additional
requirements for burst-mode optical receivers will be discussed and the advantages
of time-division-multiplex access (TDMA) will be pointed out. The increasing
importance of burst-mode receivers is reflected in the growing amount
of publications on this topic. In the beginning of the 1990s the first papers
on burst-mode receivers were published. The number rapidly increased in the
following years and is still growing. In Chap. 2, fundamental parts of optical
receiver front-ends are also described. An essential part of optical receivers
are the photodetectors. Photodetectors and especially SiGe photodetectors,
therefore, are discussed in Chap. 3. The main focus of attention is on the
preamplifier, being usually a transimpedance amplifier, in Chap. 4. Nevertheless,
also main and limiting amplifiers are discussed.
Chapter 5 gives a short overview of an SiGe heterojunction bipolar technology,
as well as some more details about the deep-sub-micron CMOS processes
used for the designs described in Chap. 9.
AC-analysis as well as stability analysis of several designs are contained in
Chap. 6. After the feedback theory a transimpedance amplifier with an ideal
amplifier is described. This is followed by an analysis of realized circuits.
Afterwards, in Chap. 7, integrated circuit technologies of current interest
are described. BiCMOS, SiGe heterojunction bipolar, submicron CMOS and
deep-sub-micron CMOS technologies are compared and the advantages and
disadvantages of each concerning noise are described. The device propertiesare compared to the properties of ideal devices and the effects of down-scaling
technologies are described.
In Chap. 8 an overview of the state of the art of BiCMOS, SiGe
heterojunction-bipolar and CMOS optical receivers in the literature is given.
Chapter 9 summarizes the simulation environment and component models for
circuit design and describes the measurement set-up and the circuits as well as
printed circuit boards for characterization. Afterwards the circuits and properties
of several advanced optical CMOS receivers and optical burst-mode
receivers designed at the Institute for Electrical Measurements and Circuit
Design at Vienna University of Technology in 0.18 μm and 0.12 μm standard
digital CMOS are described in detail. Finally a summary of the characterized
performance of the optical receivers is done. A comparison of the different designs
and their results for optical receivers known from the literature follows.
The authors would like to thank their colleagues at the Institute for Electrical
Measurements and Circuit Design at Vienna University of Technology
for fruitful discussion and their valuable support, especially Franz Schl¨ogl,
Robert Swoboda, Michael F¨ortsch, J¨urgen Leeb and Alexander Nemecek as
well as the head of the institute, Gottfried Magerl, for his great support towards
a quick start of research. Furthermore special thanks are directed to
A. Wiesbauer, J. Hauptmann, M. Haas, and A. Martin from Infineon Technologies
DC Villach and DC Vienna for their constant financial and technical
support as well as the opportunity to use the design environment.
Highly Sensitive Optical Receivers.part1.rar
(4.88 MB, 下载次数: 426 )
Highly Sensitive Optical Receivers.part2.rar
(2.73 MB, 下载次数: 334 )