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Chenming Calvin Hu holds the TSMC Distinguished Professor Chair of Microelectronics at University of California, Berkeley. He is a member of the US Academy of Engineering and a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 2001 to 2004, he was the Chief Technology Officer of TSMC. A Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), he has been honored with the Jack Morton Award in1997 for his research on transistor reliability, the Solid State Circuits Award in 2002 for co-developing the first international standard transistor model for circuit simulation, and the Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal in 2009 for exceptional contributions to device physics and scaling. He has supervised over 60 Ph.D. student theses, published 800 technical articles, and received more than 100 US patents. His other honors include Sigma Xi Moni Ferst Award, R&D 100 Award, and UC Berkeley’s highest award for teaching — the Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award.
提起BSIM3/BSIM4和TSMC大家都不陌生。但chenming hu,也许知道的人就不多了。他是BSIM3/BSIM4器件模型的奠基人和开拓者,是TSMC2001~2004年的CTO。本书是他集研究和实践之大成之作。无论对于做数字还是做模拟的同学来说他的经验都是无价之宝。全彩电子版,希望大家喜欢。 |
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