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Sethekk Halls Guide - wow gold

发表于 2009-7-13 23:40:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Blizzard has the following to say about Auchindoun:

For thousands of years, the draenei have been interring their dead in Auchindoun, their most sacred temple. However, it was infiltrated by agents of the Shadow Council bent on summoning a horrifying creature of immense evil. Their vile act of magic resulted in a massive explosion that blew the temple apart and reduced the surrounding area into a charred wasteland. The blast also caused a rift in the Nether itself,buy wow gold, drawing the otherworldly Ethereal's into Outland. The interred draenei now walk the ruins as restless spirits. Meanwhile, the horrific entity summoned by the Shadow Council threatens to overwhelm their efforts to contain it. You must prevent this evil from being unleashed upon an unsuspecting world. Auchindoun is divided into four wings, and is designed for a party of five characters levels 64-70.

The instances in the wow gold Auchindoun are as follows:

            MOB Levels
            # of Players
            Mana Tombs
            Auchenai Crypts
            Sethekk Halls
            Shadow Labyrinth

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            Getting to the Auchindoun



The Outlands! A complete map of the world and where everything is in it


Getting to the Auchindoun is fairly easy unless you are too low a level, as the MOBS around it range up to level 65. It can be found in the large blasted bone waste area of Terokkar forest to the south of Shattrath City. You can also get access to it from the Alliance or Horde towns to the east and north east. They are the Allerian Stronghold and Stonebreaker Hold respectively. Auchindoun is the large ruins in the center of the bone wastes. When you reach there you have to head down through various tunnels to reach the bottom of the ruins, which is a circular plaza area. In the center is a meeting stone to summon other players and the instances can be found in tunnels around the outskirts of the central area. Another way to get to it is taking any of the stair ways around it up, and then finding a place to jump down through the ruins. There are several places where the ruins form long steps down, sure, you'll take some fall damage, but taken in steps, its fine.

The Sethekk Halls are the east instance around the Ring of Observance.


There are two quests that are available to players, both from the NPC standing right outside the instance. They are:

Brother Against Bother - Kill Darkweaver Syth in the Sethekk halls, then free Lakka from captivity. Return to Isfar outside the Sethekk Halls when you've completed the rescue.

Darkweaver Syth is the first wow gold boss in the instance and Lakka can be found in a cage in Syth's room once you have defeated him. This quest gives a choice of very good necklaces upon completion and should be done.

Terokk's Legacy - Bring Terokk's Mask,world of warcraft gold, Terokk's Quill, and the Saga of Terokk to Isfar outside the Sethekk Halls.

Terokk's mask is dropped by Darkweaver Syth, the Saga of Terokk is a book that can be found on the ground in the room just before Talon Lord Ikiss. The Talon Lord drops the last item, Terokk's Quill.

            Trash MOBs

There are many different bird,wow gold, spirit and Arakkoa based MOBs in the instance. Several of which have abilities that can make your life difficult when learning the Sethekk Halls.



A Prophet fearing the group


Sethekk Guards – You encounter these early and often in the instance. The big concern with them is their AOE Thunderclap ability that hits for up to 1500 damage with a range of about 10 yards.

Sethekk Oracle - These casters throw chain lighting that has a silence component, so casters need to stay away.

Sethekk Prophet – Casts an AOE fear in wow gold combat that lasts for about 5 seconds, and summons an un-killable ghost upon death that hits VERY hard but moves slowly and de-spawns after roughly 8 seconds.

Time-Lost Controller - A caster based MOB that can also plant a mind control totem, that takes over a character. As soon as the totem is destroyed the player regains control of his character.
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