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全面介绍开关电源的书籍:Switch-Mode Power Converters

发表于 2009-7-6 09:23:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Switch-Mode Power Converters

Switch-Mode Power Converters.pdf

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发表于 2009-7-6 12:15:59 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-6 12:46:45 | 显示全部楼层
1. Isolated Step-Down (Buck) Converter
    1.1. CCM Open-Loop Output and Duty Cycle Determination
    1.2. DCM Open-Loop Output and Duty Cycle Determination
    1.3. CCM to DCM Transition, Critical Inductance
    1.4. Gain Formula for Nonideal Operational Amplifiers
    1.5. Feedback under Voltage-Mode Control
    1.6. Voltage-Mode CCM Closed Loop
    1.7. Voltage-Mode DCM Closed Loop
    1.8. Voltage-Mode CCM Small-Signal Stability
    1.9. Current-Mode Control
    1.10. CCM Current-Mode Control in a Closed-Loop Steady State
    1.11. CCM Current-Mode Control Small-Signal Stability
    1.12. Output Capacitor Size and Accelerated Steady-State Analysis
    1.13. A Complete Example
    1.14. State Transition Technique
2. Push–Pull Converter with Current-Mode Control and Slope Compensation
    2.1. Power Stage of a Center-Tapped Push–Pull Converter
    2.2. Discontinuous Conduction-Mode Operation
    2.3. Continuous Conduction-Mode Operation
3. Nonisolated Forward Converter with Average Current-Mode Control
    3.1. Average Current Feedback
    3.2. Duty Cycle Determination
    3.3. Steady-State Closed Loop
    3.4. Closed-Loop Regulation and Output Sensitivity
    3.5. Small-Signal Loop Gain and Stability
    3.6. Example
    3.7. State Transition Technique
4. Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge Converter 83
    4.1. Power-Stage Operation
    4.2. Current Doubler
    4.3. Steady-State Duty Cycle
    4.4. Steady-State Output Waveforms
    4.5. Steady-State Output Waveforms Example
5. Current-Fed Push–Pull Converters 95
    5.1. Overlapping Continuous-Conduction Mode
    5.2. Overlapping Continuous Conduction, Steady State
    5.3. Overlapping Continuous Conduction, Example
    5.4. Nonoverlapping Continuous-Conduction Mode
    5.5. Load Current Sharing and Parallel Operation
    5.6. AC Small-Signal Studies Using State-Space Averaging
    5.7. State-Transition Technique
6. Isolated Flyback Converters 119
    6.1. DCM Duty-Cycle Determination, Another Approach
    6.2. CCM Duty-Cycle Determination
    6.3. Critical Inductance
    6.4. Voltage-Mode DCM Closed Loop
    6.5. Voltage-Mode DCM Small-Signal Stability
    6.6. Voltage-Mode CCM Closed Loop
    6.7. Voltage-Mode CCM Small-Signal Stability
    6.8. Peak Current-Mode DCM Closed Loop
    6.9. Peak Current-Mode DCM Small-Signal Stability
    6.10. Peak Current-Mode CCM Closed Loop
    6.11. Peak Current-Mode CCM Small-Signal Stability
    6.12. Output Capacitor
    6.13. Accelerated Steady-State Output
    6.14. A Complete DCM Example
7. Nonisolated Boost Converter
    7.1. Duty-Cycle Determination
    7.2. Critical Inductance
    7.3. Peak Current-Mode Closed-Loop Steady State in CCM
    7.4. Peak Current-Mode Small-Signal Stability in CCM
    7.5. Peak Current-Mode Closed-Loop Steady State in DCM
    7.6. Peak Current-Mode Small-Signal Stability in DCM
    7.7. DCM Output Capacitor Size
    7.8. CCM Output Capacitor Size
8. Quasi-Resonant Converters
    8.1. How Does It Work?
    8.2. Mathematical Analysis
    8.3. Steady-State Closed Loop and Stability
    8.4. Design Issues
    8.5. Example and Dilemma
9. Class-E Resonant Converter
    9.1. Starting States of the Steady State
    9.2. Time-Domain Steady-State Solutions
    9.3. Closed-Loop DC Analysis
    9.4. Closed-Loop AC Analysis
    9.5. Type II Amplifier
    9.6. Example
    9.7. Discussion
10. AC–DC Power-Factor Correction Supplies
    10.1. Fundamental Definition
    10.2. Single-Phase Single-Stage Nonisolated Boost PFC
    10.3. Output Capacitor Size
    10.4. DCM Boost Inductor Selection
    10.5. CCM Boost Inductor Selection
    10.6. High-Power PFC and Load Sharing
    10.7. Surge Protection
    10.8. Load Short-Circuit Protection
    10.9. Three-Phase PFC
11. Error Amplifiers
    11.1. Amplifier Category
    11.2. Innate Phase of the Control Loop
    11.3. Type II Amplifier Implementation
    11.4. Type III Amplifier Implementation
    11.5. Example for Type II Amplifier Implementation
12. Supporting Circuits
    12.1. Bipolar Switch Drivers
    12.2. MOSFET Switch Drivers
    12.3. Dissipative Snubber
    12.4. Lossless Snubber
    12.5. Isolated Feedback
    12.6. Soft Start
    12.7. Negative-Charge Pump
    12.8. Single-Phase Full-Wave Rectifier with RC Filter
    12.9. Duty-Cycle Clamping
13. State-Space Averaging and the Cuk Converter
    13.1. State-Space Averaging
    13.2. General Procedure   
    13.3. Example: Cuk Converter
14. Simulation  
    14.1. Dynamic Equations for a Forward Converter with Voltage-Mode Control
    14.2. Turn-on Forward Converter with Voltage-Mode Control
    14.3. Steady-State Forward Converter with Voltage-Mode Control
    14.4. Steady State, Zoomed In
    14.5. Load-Transient Forward Converter with Voltage-Mode Control
    14.6. Dynamic Equations for a Forward Converter with Peak Current-Mode Control
    14.7. Simulation, Forward Converter with Peak Current-Mode Control
    14.8. State Transition Technique: Accelerated Steady State
15. Power Quality and Integrity
    15.1. Tolerance of Components, Devices, and Operating Conditions
    15.2. DC Output Regulation and Worst Case Analysis
    15.3. Supply Output Ripple and Noise
    15.4. Supply Output Transient Responses
    15.5. The Concepts of Frequency and Harmonic Content
    15.6. Control-Loop Bandwidth
    15.7. Step Response Test
    15.8. Bandwidth and Stability
    15.9. Electromagnetic Harmonic Emissions
    15.10. Power Quality
发表于 2009-7-6 13:17:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-7-6 18:34:47 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you very much!!
发表于 2009-7-6 20:11:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-7-14 02:42:42 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks a  lot.
发表于 2009-7-15 17:14:57 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks so much
发表于 2009-7-15 22:13:47 | 显示全部楼层
thank you very much
发表于 2009-7-15 23:33:01 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for sharing!!!
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