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本帖最后由 eecsseudl 于 2013-4-29 10:21 编辑
Business Economics & Finance with Matlab GIS and Simulation Models
This book presentstactics for using mathematical and simulation models to solve complextasks of forecasting income, valuing business, predicting retail sales,evaluating markets, and solving tax and regulatory problems. It offersinsight into the many calculation and modeling tools that can beremoted hosted and run over the internet. It explores the capabilitiesof MATLAB in business economics. Some techniques as for example fuzzylogic, retail sales, economic and fiscal impact models, and otherMATLAB and Simulink models are described. This book is for economics,finance and valuation professionals, market researchers, public policyanalysts, teachers and students in graduate level classes in appliedeconomics, and other practitioners demanding the ability to modelmarket behavior under varying real-world conditions.
Klaus Ehemann, in Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1081, 2006/07
Product Description
This book takes recenttheoretical advances in Finance and Economics and shows how they can beimplemented in the real world. It presents tactics for usingmathematical and simulation models to solve complex tasks offorecasting income, valuing businesses, predicting retail sales, andevaluating markets and tax and regulatory problems. Business Economics and Finance with Matlab, GIS, and Simulation Models providesa unique overview of sophisticated business and financial applications.It describes models that have been developed for analysis of retailsales, tax policy, location, economic impact, public policy issues, andother challenges faced by executives, investors, and economists on adaily basis. It also offers groundbreaking insight into the manycalculation and modeling tools that can be remotely hosted and run overthe Internet, resulting in substantial user benefits and cost savings.
Thisbook is the first to fully explore the capabilities of MATLAB in thefield of businesseconomics, and explain how the benefits ofsophisticated mathematical models can be provided to users via theInternet, using a thin-client environment. Many techniques directlyincorporate geographic information and GIS in a way that was impossibleuntil quite recently. Some techniques, such as fuzzy logic, retailsales, economic and fiscal impact models, and other Matlab and Simulinkmodels, are described for the first time in print in this book. Thesections on business income and value break new ground by directlyincorporating uncertainty, real option value, and prediction ofvariables using Ito and jump processes. Using dozens of examples,hundreds of references, and rigorous explanations of both theory andpractice, it will become a prized reference for analysts demanding thebest techniques.