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[原创] 自己写的一个基于BOOTH编码和wallace树的32*32点有符号乘法器 attachment  ...23 yjq2529 2013-8-14 206499 你吃不吃火锅 2024-1-18 16:50
[原创] DFMEA模板 attachment 愤斗的香蕉 2023-11-29 6540 flankerluo 2024-1-17 14:03
[原创] 基于CORDIC的NCO(DDS,DDFS) (附完整Matlab,Verilog程序) attachment digest  ...23456..37 guoyu 2011-5-4 36485775 你吃不吃火锅 2024-1-17 09:39
[原创] 孩子都能学会的FPGA:第十六课——用FPGA实现IIR滤波器 attach_img chdaj58 2023-11-30 2582 yonghengdeyy 2024-1-16 15:25
[原创] 数字集成电路(设计透视) 包括书、ppt及答案 attachment  ...234 foveryoung 2010-11-9 347734 hehuafen 2024-1-16 12:14
[原创] Malogic FPGA Board 外接USB3300实现USB2UART attach_img dodoee 2024-1-15 1439 jingjisong 2024-1-15 20:00
[原创] [Computer arithmetic algorithms and hardware designs 2nd attachment  ...234 smrecnik 2017-2-21 356560 im.leo 2024-1-15 10:03
[原创] pcie5.0/6.0 Spec attachment  ...2 dengxiakutu 2023-8-5 111236 im.leo 2024-1-15 10:01
[原创] I2S协议 attachment  ...23456..7 zqtzm 2009-12-26 6626789 icer_zg 2024-1-13 09:43
[原创] spyglass培训资料SpyGlass-CDC-Training-Slides attachment  ...23456..22 weijingchuan 2018-8-28 21953230 bajane0516 2024-1-12 14:46
[原创] 【系统芯片SoC的设计与测试】 潘中良 著【中文清晰版】 attachment  ...23456..30 benemale 2011-3-26 29559189 品博锦取_2021 2024-1-12 11:16
[原创] Viewlogic Workview,OrCAD,Xilinx XACT/XACTstep,Alliance/Foundation,Altera MAX+plus/II老旧版本合集分享 新人帖 attach_img  ...23 Beta_vulgaris 2022-3-15 264801 happjsh 2024-1-12 10:36
[原创] Hot Chips 2023会议资料网盘下载 looneyxp 2023-12-10 5624 birdhappy 2024-1-11 19:20
[原创] USB3.0 spec完整中文翻译版加注释 attachment  ...23456..11 gghr 2020-11-19 10220569 Emmet_73 2024-1-8 23:51
[原创] Malogic FPGA Board 用户手册 终于来了 attachment dodoee 2024-1-8 1320 dodoee 2024-1-8 16:37
[原创] NVMe Host Controller IP,高性能NVMe主机控制器IP attach_img axpro 2024-1-6 0500 axpro 2024-1-6 14:11
[原创] vim插件:提高Verilog和UVM testbench coding效率的利器 attach_img  ...23456..18 post_design 2011-8-19 17241851 GAB 2024-1-5 17:03
[原创] 《Verilog高级数字系统设计技术与案例分析》中文版 attachment  ...2345 pwang7 2021-10-19 497730 j921109r 2024-1-2 10:49
[原创] 【Wiley 2000】Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems attachment  ...2345 benemale 2008-7-27 4711520 im.leo 2024-1-1 18:21
[原创] 《基于VHDL的数字系统设计方法》 attachment  ...23 pwang7 2021-12-1 224213 cmmjava 2023-12-31 23:11
[原创] 求iip,仅用作学习用。可以用工艺库交换 新人帖 ASIC88TOM 2023-11-23 8616 霍格沃兹 2023-12-29 17:38
[原创] (2014)Introduction to Embedded Systems:Using Microcontrollers and the MSP430 attach_img  ...23 pargar 2013-9-15 296258 xdrxdr 2023-12-28 00:12
[原创] FPGA AI GPU attachment  ...2 bbchgd 2020-2-4 194180 sutaotao2001 2023-12-27 03:06
[原创] 2010新书推介【Verilog HDL高级数字设计(第2版)】M D.Ciletti 著【英文清晰版】 attachment  ...23456..136 benemale 2011-1-3 1354143510 kokolono 2023-12-26 13:37
[原创] Logic Synthesis for FSM-Based Control Units attach_img  ...23 A1985 2010-4-21 296945 xdrxdr 2023-12-26 05:07
[原创] Hardware Verification With C++ attachment  ...2 coolsonic 2021-7-31 173136 qwe9991 2023-12-26 00:53
[原创] Verilog HDL 华为入门教程 attachment dshqd 2012-4-20 91849 anyang188 2023-12-21 09:54
[原创] FPGA项目承接|FPGA项目外包|FPGA项目研发 attach_img chop147 2023-12-20 0496 chop147 2023-12-20 19:51
[原创] layout中contact上增加opc层的两种方法 attach_img  ...2 sinoyin 2019-11-28 145247 yyy123. 2023-12-20 14:55
[原创] 《计算机组成与设计(RISC-V 版)》第五版中文版 attachment  ...23 pwang7 2021-10-19 254622 silence丶 2023-12-19 09:50
[原创] Practical RF Circuit Design for Modern Wireless Systems, Volume II:Active Circuits and Systems attach_img zhimigan 2022-1-6 41396 xdrxdr 2023-12-19 01:19
[原创] Design Compiler®User Guide,谁有这本书的更新版本呢? attachment orientview 2023-3-12 21300 wuchushanren1 2023-12-17 22:32
[原创] Finite and Algorithmic State Machines、High Level Synthesis of Digital Systems、From Algorithm to Digital System attachment  ...23 jinyexing 2022-6-14 263394 xdrxdr 2023-12-15 00:54
[原创] 周润德数字集成电路课件带习题和答案 attachment  ...23456..16 bobyfyb 2010-5-10 15242769 linhongwen1963 2023-12-13 21:40
[原创] 《Digital Logic Design》by Brian Holdsworth & Clive Woods attachment  ...2 pwang7 2021-10-15 163281 shengdali 2023-12-13 14:11
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