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[原创] `timescale 详细解释 attachment  ...2 douqingl 2012-3-6 186467 liji88164904 2023-3-30 17:22
[原创] VERISILICON_SMIC13_V1.0 attachment  ...23456..8 amonghsh006 2011-7-22 7623910 147107186s 2023-3-28 00:02
[原创] Cortex-M0 Tarmac 和 Verdi HWSW_Debug 使用总结 attachment wrhwindboy 2021-10-7 93280 hunan168 2023-3-27 18:11
[原创] 【最新的SystemVerilog标准】IEEE Standard for SystemVerilog 1800TM - 2009 attachment  ...23456..10 lotusky 2010-4-25 9827270 dreamfly123123 2023-3-27 18:06
[原创] 图像采集、控制SDRAM verilog源代码 attachment  ...23456..9 jiangyq 2010-12-8 8224707 yesyesyesyes 2023-3-27 08:32
[原创] 神书再现江湖:Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Second Edition attachment  ...23456..31 nieyang_eda 2013-3-21 30949508 hk1994 2023-3-26 20:32
[原创] 【第二版】现代电动汽车、混合动力电动汽车和燃料电池车:基本原理、理论和设计 2009  ...23 hikuaidian 2010-8-12 267680 haizaolan 2023-3-14 23:35
[原创] Aldec Active-HDL 10.2 Win x64 no Ck attachment  ...23456..7 yuelengyueming 2015-5-7 6122626 ybabre 2023-3-13 03:33
[原创] Introduction to embedded systems using FPGAs attachment  ...2 adefan 2010-5-8 154704 zhsh94 2023-3-7 08:12
[原创] Synthesizable VHDL Design for FPGAs attachment  ...2 adefan 2013-11-11 185201 zhsh94 2023-3-7 08:11
[原创] High-Performance Computing Using FPGAs attachment  ...23456 adefan 2013-11-11 5115213 zhsh94 2023-3-7 08:09
[原创] 关于setup和hold的一点小总结 attachment digest  ...23456..11 nano_dv 2013-4-16 10333041 wangli_peking 2023-3-6 21:29
[原创] 【Verilog数字VLSI设计教程】李林 编著【中文清晰版】 attachment  ...23456..19 benemale 2011-2-19 18942168 zx7504081 2023-3-6 10:49
[原创] 谁知道questa cdc怎么破解  ...2 willsleep 2014-6-1 105955 kingmomo0006 2023-3-6 01:02
[原创] ARM S3C2440 移植OV5642摄像头并在LCD上显示成功 attach_img dodoee 2023-2-26 11054 dodoee 2023-3-1 08:00
[原创] 求Infineon 的SPI芯片设计手册 新人帖 E.E.T.O.P 2023-2-27 0839 E.E.T.O.P 2023-2-27 11:04
[原创] 华为内部关于FIFO的经验谈,超详细,原理+代码 attachment  ...23456..97 Eric_Chu 2011-3-1 963110185 zixin1hao 2023-2-26 11:03
[原创] EXCEL2RAL - EXCEL格式寄存器REGISTER描述文件转换为SYNOPSYS RAL格式 attachment zhangguo1286 2017-5-13 93947 lover2012 2023-2-25 13:56
[原创] 【原创】波形相位频率可调DDS信号发生器(设计分享) attach_img chop147 2020-3-16 12344 neu_zouqilei 2023-2-22 21:28
[原创] Synthesize Cortex M0 SOC 、 Download to FPGA and link to Keil with SWD dodoee 2023-1-16 21071 ayamitek 2023-2-21 09:03
[原创] 整理的soc设计相关资料,springer出版 attach_img  ...2 juhuapaul 2021-3-1 194316 demonyh 2023-2-20 22:55
[原创] FPGA开发板上实现USB1.1 IP,并模拟鼠标 attach_img dodoee 2022-10-16 31897 zixin1hao 2023-2-19 21:32
[原创] 【首发-book】Power-Aware Testing and Test Strategies for Low Power Devices attachment  ...234 A1985 2010-6-17 399059 lihaiyang 2023-2-19 09:58
[原创] 2010新书推介【深入浅出玩转FPGA】吴厚航 著【中文清晰版】 attachment  ...23456..115 benemale 2011-1-3 114496789 amin2008 2023-2-18 22:41
[原创] 留爪纪念 新人帖 hlin_lld 2023-2-17 0831 hlin_lld 2023-2-17 11:19
[原创] Altera的IP  ...2 Student 2015-2-1 157141 logicace 2023-2-13 13:48
[原创] Mentor 跨时钟域 Questasim CDC 使用指南 attachment  ...2345 pfw3001 2013-8-20 4815145 smc1017 2023-2-12 05:44
[原创] 国外低功耗设计经典文章:Minimizing Power Consumption in CMOS Circuits attachment  ...23456..7 ahliang 2010-8-14 6816463 zlhrsy 2023-2-11 22:09
[原创] ZedBoard相关项目的设计服务 SOC设计验证服务 ZedBoard FPGA租赁 远程操作 attach_img dodoee 2023-2-4 01271 dodoee 2023-2-4 16:28
[原创] DC综合leon3教程 attachment 周建伟 2014-2-12 93251 zhwsoc 2023-2-1 22:34
[原创] 原创 xilinx aurora 点到为止教程 中文版 attachment  ...23456..12 waterbeef 2014-7-1 11026018 smnq0524 2023-1-31 09:13
[原创] 极品资料 -- Fifo设计(有了这个,别无所求) attachment  ...23456..14 orinoflow 2010-1-11 13423988 zchdsp 2023-1-29 17:18
[原创] 分享 交换路由架构资料 Switch Router Architectures attachment  ...2 lansen0815 2022-7-22 163016 yuanwolf2008 2023-1-22 13:52
[原创] Debug the UART printf of Cortex M0 SOC in the FPGA dodoee 2023-1-18 0736 dodoee 2023-1-18 10:21
[原创] 斯坦福 high performance sw&router attachment sheldon_china 2022-11-30 71068 willtuna 2023-1-16 22:30
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