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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 112 |主题: 39886|排名: 1 

[资料] MOS运放性能参数仿真规范 attach_img  ...23456 2007-5-11 5714351 peye 2023-3-2 15:31
[ebook]Frequency Compensation Techniques For Low Power Operational Amplifiers attachment  ...23456..17 teradyne 2007-5-27 16324191 zhangyingui8 2024-4-8 08:52
RF transceiver IEEE papers(合集) attachment  ...23456..18 sinomicro 2007-6-18 17224594 edwardk 2018-11-15 13:49
IEEE上关于DC-DC的文章 attachment  ...23456..41 wwjghcy 2007-6-19 40755262 simufox 2022-12-12 12:46
柯明道-ESD LatchUp 最新论文8篇!!! attachment  ...23456..19 semico_ljj 2007-9-7 18032108 qmx123130 2024-3-4 14:50
LC-VCO之三:宽带VCO设计 attachment  ...23456..12 skybridge 2007-12-1 11816064 nareshreddy 2015-2-14 02:08
LDO 設計教學資料 attachment  ...23456..13 GIMAYON 2008-3-14 12419237 cdting 2022-4-29 03:05
低压CASCODE电流镜 attachment  ...23456 essar 2008-5-9 549919 semi_free 2016-4-4 21:00
一篇利用HSPICE提取晶体管参数的论文 BSIM3v3 key parameter extractions attachment  ...23456..15 awcx 2008-5-24 14320274 Caroline11 2022-4-27 16:36
eBook 《PLL Performance Simulation and Design Handbook》全解密能打印 attachment  ...23456..9 system2008 2009-3-9 8617082 qwqwasas1234 2023-8-10 11:23
Springer 2009!Inductive Powering: Basic Theory and Application attachment  ...23456..8 eBookMania 2009-7-17 7513992 ni2121 2022-10-10 21:26
[资料] ICCAP用PEL语言手册 attachment  ...2345 ns2wei 2010-6-27 4113002 Hiter_Hou 2021-8-18 19:28
[资料] 《CMOS射频IC设计》-唐长文 attachment  ...23456..9 contral 2010-7-10 8026475 krr 2023-9-25 16:10
[资料] 关于LDO的书“LDO Design BOOK" attachment  ...234 nic8862000 2011-4-20 375808 addij 2019-2-26 00:45
[资料] Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design attachment  ...23456 yuzhicai 2011-10-27 5148504 Electron_tube 2023-11-2 16:15
[资料] 一个ADC IP,只有gds文件,感兴趣可以看看。 attachment  ...2345 gm-cfiltersz 2012-11-25 459887 thatgirl 2020-4-15 11:01
[资料] 文字版 Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Transistor Amplifiers attach_img  ...2345 hi_china59 2013-8-15 4810040 W_Monday 2023-9-9 08:51
[资料] JSSC 2015年 1月 Papers, Merry Christmas attachment  ...23456 pickpunk 2014-12-25 556630 cdting 2018-6-14 06:57
[资料] P. E.Allen 的 ADPLL 讲义 attachment  ...23456 stardream2010 2016-8-4 5412791 greatdilly 2024-5-12 19:59
[原创] [EBook]Inverter-Based Circuit Design Techniques for Low Supply Voltages attach_img  ...23456..7 z1314007 2018-8-30 6115957 duckliang 2024-1-3 18:02
[资料] 2022 SYMPOSIUM ON VLSI CIRCUITS AND TECHNOLOGY 论文合集 attach_img  ...23456..19 elvislau 2022-8-24 18719971 binnq 2024-2-21 10:39
『三味书屋』元旦送礼之六:著名的Kluwer丛书系列 Volume 675~759 attachment  ...23456..47 benemale 2008-1-4 46861952 qccqcc 2022-1-4 05:49
on-chip LDO设计 IEEE JSSC attachment  ...23456..13 xinhunlei 2008-1-19 12317127 CmosLgh 2018-11-20 18:47
用于设计放大器特别是差分放大器的matlab的工具箱(非常简单好用) attachment  ...23456..17 stanleyy 2008-9-21 16424604 敬山一休 2022-5-5 15:09
A 1.5 V class AB output buffer attachment  ...23456..7 zhangds 2008-9-28 6910665 tu_yjq123 2018-1-21 22:20
[资料] 模拟集成电路必看 Berkeley EE142 Intergrated Circuits for communication attachment  ...23456 tigernk 2010-8-28 5717087 narashimaraja 2022-10-2 01:44
[原创] 关于运算放大器的性能测试的资料,非常具体,详细。 attachment  ...234 flyawayfc 2011-3-9 387971 haizaolan 2023-3-12 23:09
[原创] RFIC 2011 Digest 全部论文 attachment agree  ...2345 northfish 2011-6-15 407722 smrecnik 2017-3-12 23:01
[资料] Thermal and Power Management of Integrated Circuits attachment  ...2345 deepcore 2012-1-17 467019 AlexKe 2020-11-6 15:56
[资料] 拉扎维 数据转换系统设计原理 attachment  ...234 onedaybemyself 2012-2-8 3711380 Caroline11 2022-6-16 13:17
[资料] ISSCC 2012 Tutorial: RF Mixers, Digital Calibration for RF Transcievers attachment  ...234 tshiu 2012-9-3 3811198 jianchongzhou 2024-2-6 17:12
[资料] Semiconductor Physics and Devices Basic Principles.3rd Edition.Donald A. Neamen attach_img  ...2345 Zhangzx 2012-12-15 448777 zheng2009 2020-9-4 16:27
[资料] 安捷伦——频谱分析基础 attach_img  ...23456 liugh 2013-1-4 5210212 北斗寒星 2024-3-11 21:50
[原创] Smart Power ICS attachment  ...23456 dengmaodeyu 2013-4-11 5116185 jimcmwang 2023-7-10 10:24
[资料] hspice 2012 全套使用教程 attachment  ...23456 xwj623 2013-9-18 5110957 ykk1128 2021-10-5 13:09
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