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全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 百万元器件搜索大全  ...2 jackzhang 2024-6-3 1911601 hmz704271750 2024-11-27 18:05
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[资料] 组态软件基础 attachment New jiek9606 6 天前 097 jiek9606 6 天前
[资料] 经典美国教材《电机学(第六版)》中文版 attachment  ...23456..36 hnmaac 2009-9-21 35477664 william_qi2010 6 天前
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鲁棒控制理论 attachment sgsun 2008-11-17 22343 soldierwuhan 2024-12-7 07:57
Robust_Adaptive_Control attachment zifeng1982 2009-10-15 72808 soldierwuhan 2024-12-7 07:56
Advances in dynamics and control attachment sgsun 2008-11-17 62540 xdrxdr 2024-12-7 05:30
abbr_mal Control, Prentice hall, Zhou, Doyle, Glover,Prentice Hall, 1995[1] attachment sgsun 2008-11-20 72786 xdrxdr 2024-12-7 05:23
optimization theory and method attachment sgsun 2008-11-21 63088 xdrxdr 2024-12-7 05:17
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[资料] Analog.and.Digital.Circuits.for.Electronic.Control.System.Applications. attachment  ...23 pelijava20 2011-2-10 2910615 xdrxdr 2024-12-7 04:27
[资料] Digital Control System Analysis and Design attachment  ...2 seiro 2021-2-17 101931 xdrxdr 2024-12-7 04:22
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[资料] Digital Control of Electrical Drives attachment  ...23 szayy 2011-1-14 298794 xdrxdr 2024-11-25 10:29
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[资料] Adaptive control systems attachment pelijava20 2011-2-10 52972 xdrxdr 2024-11-23 13:27
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Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory attachment sgsun 2008-11-20 93936 xdrxdr 2024-11-23 05:44
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing3 attachment sgsun 2008-11-17 12200 xdrxdr 2024-11-22 17:52
[资料] Digital Control Engineering Analysis and Design 2nd attachment  ...23 dwendog 2017-4-19 247355 xdrxdr 2024-11-22 17:37
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[资料] Digital Filters Analysis, Design, and Signal Processing Applications by Andreas Antoniou attachment  ...2 seiro 2021-4-7 112757 Ralphjh 2024-11-22 15:48
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