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电路设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 14819|排名: 20 

[资料] 国外电子与通信教材系列@CMOS数字集成电路——分析与设计(第3版) attachment cooluser2016 2021-9-2 21377 im.leo 2021-9-2 12:36
Troubleshooting Analog Circuits by PEASE, Robert A. (1991)下载 attachment  ...23456..13 Troye 2007-2-3 12926844 dumbdore 2021-8-31 16:50
[资料] High-performance crystal oscillator circuits theory and application attachment  ...23456 alfredchn 2011-5-12 5118627 hjp667 2021-8-31 10:57
[原创] 分布式光纤测温系统DTS-BLY-5S attach_img BLY2012 2021-8-30 01232 BLY2012 2021-8-30 09:44
LDO原理及补偿 attachment  ...23456..10 neoguo 2007-4-12 9318211 amigo.change 2021-8-27 17:06
经典教材:CMOS制程下的ESD设计 attachment  ...23456 landisgyr 2009-1-23 5110566 huili2011 2021-8-26 21:00
CMOS 工艺流程(很详细,值得下载) attachment  ...234 huhuking 2009-5-26 328176 紫忆花开 2021-8-26 15:36
[资料] CLAYTON R. PAUL 最新力作Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines,第二版 attachment  ...2345 navywrb 2010-12-21 4211137 lisayoung 2021-8-26 15:07
《图表细说电子元器件(PDF)》 适合初学者 attachment  ...2 qazzaq123456 2009-1-4 164591 IC小菜鸟一枚 2021-8-26 11:14
数字图像处理(冈萨雷斯matlab版)工具包 attachment  ...2 hammber 2009-4-2 113584 wxl_123 2021-8-25 16:09
[资料] 光纤信号处理卡学习资料保存第6篇:基于TMS320C6678、FPGA XC5VSX95T的6U CPCI 8路光纤信号处理卡 attach_img orihard1 2021-8-25 01305 orihard1 2021-8-25 15:45
【Prentice Hall 2007新书】Digital Communications Test and Measurement - [阅读权限 10]attachment  ...23456..22 benemale 2008-7-3 2101443 szdgsz 2021-8-24 08:31
《安森美的电源设计手册》PDF格式 attachment  ...23456 nsva352 2006-12-29 5519192 dannymu 2021-8-23 22:52
[原创] c programming attachment download_cmos 2014-11-4 11964 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 17:33
低电压低功耗 LVDS 驱动设计 attachment  ...2345 qianxuan 2009-10-13 438720 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 17:32
IC 封裝製程簡介-1 attachment ROBERTTAN 2007-11-23 42233 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 17:30
PADS PCB 2007.4 keygen attachment  ...23 st5900 2008-11-7 279086 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 17:28
被动元件的基础知识---个人认为很不错 attachment  ...2 ggm_1029 2009-11-16 115322 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 17:25
Power Management in Mobile Devices ding0218 2008-8-7 53234 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 17:23
Σ_Δ优秀硕士论文 attachment 小概率事件1983 2008-10-28 47712 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 17:17
Art Of Analog Layout attachment  ...234 wangqian0818 2007-11-16 326461 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 16:31
[原创] AD-12864显示 attachment zzshneuq 2014-11-7 11863 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 16:25
[资料] Gray习题答案 attachment mingli54 2014-11-9 11638 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 16:24
Forward Converter幾種磁通重置技術 attachment eezoo 2009-1-20 52305 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 16:22
Berkeley 模拟电路 (EECS 140)课程(pdf) attachment  ...23456..9 hustct 2006-8-31 8015701 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 16:15
[资料] 微波技术与天线 attachment 剑行天下 2014-2-23 72335 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 16:14
pspice training attachment symyxd 2009-5-18 92522 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 16:12
[资料] ATP 华腾微电子(上海) 高速PCB 基础理论及内存仿真技术 attachment  ...23 fairyalei 2010-11-29 207122 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 15:28
[资料] 模电电路部分资料 attachment 小慢慢 2014-5-27 42079 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 15:22
[资料] RD_射频基础知识培训 attachment liaohf521 2010-8-1 73733 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 15:20
信号完整性与功率耗散考虑事项.pdf attachment  ...2 frankqwe 2009-3-23 103673 AlexKe 2021-8-23 14:26
[资料] MEMS在天线领域的应用进展.pdf attachment haibo111 2010-4-28 41838 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 12:03
台湾国立大学博士论文ESD attachment  ...23456 fancyher 2006-8-7 5412877 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 12:02
ESD 保护元件的对比分析及大电流性能鉴定 attachment  ...234 buliaoqq 2007-12-14 329732 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 12:01
vlsisip attachment woyaosheji 2007-4-29 32202 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 12:00
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