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电路设计资料 今日: 3 |主题: 14850|排名: 21 

[资料] 微波技术与天线 attachment 剑行天下 2014-2-23 72431 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 16:14
pspice training attachment symyxd 2009-5-18 92635 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 16:12
[资料] ATP 华腾微电子(上海) 高速PCB 基础理论及内存仿真技术 attachment  ...23 fairyalei 2010-11-29 207426 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 15:28
[资料] 模电电路部分资料 attachment 小慢慢 2014-5-27 42177 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 15:22
[资料] RD_射频基础知识培训 attachment liaohf521 2010-8-1 74025 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 15:20
信号完整性与功率耗散考虑事项.pdf attachment  ...2 frankqwe 2009-3-23 104005 AlexKe 2021-8-23 14:26
[资料] MEMS在天线领域的应用进展.pdf attachment haibo111 2010-4-28 41936 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 12:03
台湾国立大学博士论文ESD attachment  ...23456 fancyher 2006-8-7 5413832 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 12:02
ESD 保护元件的对比分析及大电流性能鉴定 attachment  ...234 buliaoqq 2007-12-14 3210353 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 12:01
vlsisip attachment woyaosheji 2007-4-29 32285 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 12:00
万用表测量技巧 attachment  ...2 koobi 2006-12-29 104870 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 11:59
testbench教程 attachment  ...23 sitookudy 2007-9-29 238185 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 11:57
[资料] 石英晶体振荡器 attachment  ...23 A1985 2010-5-22 287333 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 10:41
[资料] 射频微波工程百科全书 attachment  ...2 13602604516 2014-5-17 134538 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 10:38
FPGA培训学习心得 attachment  ...2 yhzhangstrive 2009-9-28 1310200 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 10:34
[资料] DC_DC电源全面资料 attachment  ...23 changying8866 2011-4-28 297475 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 10:29
上传“Dictionary of Electronics” attachment supin 2007-3-27 66271 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 10:26
上传“Dictionary of Electronics” attachment  ...2 supin 2007-3-27 154092 martin_zheng 2021-8-23 10:25
《精通matlab7.0》电子书下载 attachment  ...234 haoyueaozhu 2009-7-15 3510993 品博锦取_2021 2021-8-23 08:35
[资料] 电源设计相关资料 attachment 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-9 51484 lwxyear 2021-8-22 22:21
Phase noise and jitter in CMOS ring oscillators attachment  ...234 lxc531 2007-4-9 359164 ccwang01435 2021-8-22 21:03
ELECTRONIC RELIABILITY DESIGN HANDBOOK,经典,最大附件上传 attachment  ...23456 charlie11 2009-6-14 5913916 sydy110 2021-8-22 00:20
经典外文书 Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics.John Wiley & Sons 节省积分 attachment  ...234 tom00000 2009-9-2 327654 sydy110 2021-8-22 00:10
Sensors and Signal Conditioning (2nd Edition) attachment  ...23456..7 synu 2007-9-7 6214461 sydy110 2021-8-21 23:59
嵌入式系统原理及应用开发技术 attachment huadong_l12 2009-5-9 21910 wxl_123 2021-8-20 22:04
【PDF】嵌入式系统原理及应用开发技术教材 attachment  ...2 qhjiang 2009-1-2 134571 wxl_123 2021-8-20 21:00
[资料] A compact power efficient 3V CMOS Rail to Rail Input/Output Operation Amplifier attachment  ...2 xiaowenrun 2018-7-6 104009 AlexKe 2021-8-20 17:30
[资料] 电源培训课件(北大内部培训资料) attachment  ...23 iamwangwei 2010-1-4 266590 martin_zheng 2021-8-20 16:51
[PDF] LCD驅動原理 attachment  ...23 kao0712 2008-10-6 246006 martin_zheng 2021-8-20 16:40
[资料] EMC电磁兼容设计与测试案例分析(第2版) attachment agree  ...23 JINGDING 2013-7-1 286563 martin_zheng 2021-8-20 15:45
具名电源设计公司artsyn DCDC电源设计 attachment  ...23456..16 yrb2008 2007-9-27 15622955 martin_zheng 2021-8-20 15:43
嵌入式系统热设计参考 attachment  ...234 afayu 2008-4-23 327744 wxl_123 2021-8-20 15:26
[资料] 推荐一本好书:在真實世界中的EMI控制(中文完整版) attachment  ...23456..7 wlj2yxn 2009-12-24 6212005 martin_zheng 2021-8-20 14:18
[资料] Analog Devices - Mixed-Signal And DSP Design Techniques attachment  ...234 chestthinker 2010-11-16 348142 martin_zheng 2021-8-20 14:16
[资料] [电子书]Dynamic Profile of Switched-Mode Converter attachment  ...23 xiaoquanic 2015-9-14 229494 martin_zheng 2021-8-20 14:13
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