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电路设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 14841|排名: 41 

数字逻辑教案,很不错!新手可以下下看看 attachment 你爱我吗? 2007-8-22 32469 逆风的方向 2021-11-18 10:22
simulink和s-function课件 attachment  ...23 jsy4918 2009-3-17 259952 zhaohaoyang 2021-11-17 21:25
DDR2 Unbuffered SO-DIMM标准 attachment  ...2 scjkier 2009-11-1 195885 scfhcx 2021-11-17 19:26
[原创] Test Driven Development for Embedded C attachment bryanwizard 2013-4-14 32280 soldierwuhan 2021-11-15 09:36
[资料] 屏蔽与缝隙.doc attachment  ...2 laoK_jin 2010-7-19 133871 luhm0601 2021-11-12 12:00
两本图论资料 graph theory with applications attachment  ...23 thomas_he 2008-11-14 276485 xx_mo 2021-11-12 11:39
求Walt G. Jung写的一本书IC Op-Amp Cookbook jfluo 2008-12-5 73536 ni1111 2021-11-11 11:37
[转贴] A tutorial guide to applications and solutions 2011 attachment jack_20150410 2020-8-5 21772 zhsh94 2021-11-10 19:52
AnsoftLinks 4.1(含crack) attachment  ...23456..52 dcjiang 2008-11-13 51660545 beichenliuzhu 2021-11-10 15:17
电磁兼容性和PCB设计约束 attachment  ...2 suninbluesky 2006-8-31 134997 品博锦取_2021 2021-11-10 11:50
电磁兼容培训(屏蔽) attachment  ...23 rudy_sun1 2007-6-19 258807 luhm0601 2021-11-10 08:34
参加电磁兼容培训的ppt资料,请问大家觉得需要吗,需要我就上传。 attachment agree  ...23456..8 yipin_xu 2008-10-8 7615642 luhm0601 2021-11-10 08:33
阎石《数字电子技术基础》答案(完全版) attachment  ...2 zangweizyz 2008-1-5 176113 bamu 2021-11-9 15:27
[原创] C6670核心板设计资料第501篇:基于TMS320C6670的软件无线电核心板 attach_img orihard1 2021-11-8 01338 orihard1 2021-11-8 16:23
[原创] Delta-Sigma ADC模型以及SDT工具 attachment  ...23 夜风恋明月 2013-5-31 238624 bjsuperpower 2021-11-7 15:38
[资料] FMC子卡设计资料:FMC123-基于AD9273的64路50Msps的超声侦测FMC子卡 attach_img orihard1 2021-11-3 11047 xiadz_1999 2021-11-6 03:39
[资料] 集成电路CAD(陈勇) attachment  ...2 lurenyi 2010-1-6 123940 品博锦取_2021 2021-11-5 12:04
[资料] 【国外电子与通信经典教材】《电磁兼容导论》中文高清4个包省信元 attachment  ...23 RFplayer 2016-2-25 256251 bpx 2021-11-4 11:18
钽电容失效分析 attachment  ...234 dafeiga 2006-11-16 3610566 品博锦取_2021 2021-11-3 11:38
[原创] FMC子卡设计资料第150章:FMC150-两路250Msps AD、两路600Msps DA FMC子卡 attach_img orihard1 2021-11-1 01150 orihard1 2021-11-1 11:06
启动电路 attachment  ...2345 jjsnail 2007-10-26 4812831 jotaro1111 2021-10-31 16:03
[资料] Electrical Modeling and Design for 3D System Integration Li Erping 2012 完整版 attachment  ...2345 zhenningshen 2012-12-10 4911811 zlhrsy 2021-10-30 14:46
SAR ADC attachment  ...23456..8 baggio 2007-7-3 7015143 qccqcc 2021-10-30 03:09
[资料] Burce Trump的《看一个TI老工程师如何驯服精密放大器》 新人帖 attachment 金玉其外 2020-1-12 61889 soldierwuhan 2021-10-29 23:47
[原创] 精选!162页PPT讲透SOC设计 attachment  ...23 hl1102000 2021-2-18 204567 flashfox 2021-10-29 23:04
光耦知识教程 attachment  ...234 kejuyuan 2009-3-20 346859 qianbo407 2021-10-29 10:17
光耦应用全面介绍 attachment  ...23456 sleepduoduo 2006-12-2 5110943 qianbo407 2021-10-29 10:15
[资料] MIPI D-PHY v1.2 attachment  ...23 DSUN 2015-12-21 208605 benqiang 2021-10-28 14:19
[原创] FMC子卡设计资料:FMC123-基于AD9273的64路50Msps的超声侦测FMC子卡 attach_img orihard1 2021-10-27 0871 orihard1 2021-10-27 11:37
[原创] XC7Z100板卡设计资料第367章:基于zynq XC7Z100 FMC接口通用计算平台 attach_img orihard1 2021-10-25 01254 orihard1 2021-10-25 15:10
IBIS模型详细介绍-纯中文 attachment  ...23456..11 stonehillzou 2008-1-9 10022558 wshy 2021-10-25 14:32
[资料] IBIS/SSO inclusion attachment gonethewind 2010-12-8 62650 wshy 2021-10-25 14:31
[资料] 锂电池充放电技术资料 attachment zhupinchao 2020-3-14 51728 品博锦取_2021 2021-10-24 16:05
[资料] Circuits.and.Systems.for.Wireless.Communications attachment flyinglake 2012-3-4 73110 kingmomo0006 2021-10-24 14:50
[求助] Ethernet PHY interface chenjh1027 2012-6-27 37885 kingmomo0008 2021-10-23 15:29
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