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后端资料区 今日: 0|主题: 5783|排名: 6 

習題解答--CMOS VLSI Design 3e (Harris,Weste) attachment  ...2 eeweiboy 2009-10-16 133601 咕噜2065 2011-8-29 03:30
[资料] 1.2 – 1.5 + M instances flat design for 0.13um process attachment immonster 2011-8-26 21866 icfbicfb 2011-8-27 09:45
[原创] cadence 新一代物理验证系统PVS软件包! fgwh406 2011-8-21 03251 fgwh406 2011-8-21 08:15
[求助] 哪为大虾有 脚本 C_shell 好的学习资料 ?推荐一下 czjkk 2011-8-18 21791 miple 2011-8-21 00:13
HDMI test attachment wlyneuq 2008-12-29 42373 leona1527 2011-8-20 10:56
IC.Layout.Basics attachment  ...2 fengruofei 2009-8-10 193005 kongdexin 2011-8-19 22:04
[原创] 基于ATPG的可测性设计在RISC CPU的应用 attachment vinsonsu 2011-3-2 81918 ustcyp 2011-8-19 20:08
[资料] Linux\Unix系统应用及维护脚本语言Vim\Perl补充 attachment lightscience 2011-8-9 74297 lightscience 2011-8-16 23:14
[求助] 麻煩哪位能給思源進階會員帳號一天 ryan2 2011-8-15 01933 ryan2 2011-8-15 23:11
[求助] 1dfsfdf fengzhepianzhou 2011-8-10 11743 zhq415758192 2011-8-11 19:27
[原创] disiwe 太猛了吧, 昨晚能灌这么多 icfbicfb 2011-8-1 13967 fl_5588 2011-8-10 20:37
Mentor WorkGroup2000A中文手册 attachment seaman_516 2008-4-23 32010 5027967 2011-8-10 17:51
综合教程 attachment yhongjie 2008-7-30 22458 alex_wing 2011-8-10 13:38
[转贴] Need synopsys ise tcad tools godsnake 2010-1-21 72434 azaki2k 2011-8-9 10:54
[原创] ISE 7 for windows attachment 2009-12-19 93157 aqwsz 2011-8-7 22:34
[求助] verilog-A editor in cadence 输入 daniel003 2011-8-5 14180 daniel003 2011-8-5 20:45
[资料] icc cts_1 lightcloud 2010-3-2 52332 映山红啊 2011-8-4 23:16
自己收集的STA资料 attachment  ...2 oneway 2009-5-14 103682 yangshuyin 2011-8-3 10:41
电磁兼容性和PCB设计约束 attachment cacc 2009-9-22 52235 nbucq6 2011-8-3 02:29
[资料] cadence attachment 池承利 2011-5-5 31525 池承利 2011-8-2 13:13
[资料] Verilog HDL设计练习 attachment zhaoyi1985 2010-7-30 92694 saiweili 2011-8-2 12:04
版图设计资料 attachment  ...2 fb_hou 2009-8-14 143554 helloverilog 2011-8-2 10:38
中科院讲义 attachment  ...23456 smilewangyiqi 2008-4-1 506420 helloverilog 2011-8-2 10:25
半導體製造技術 attachment  ...2 liana3237 2007-11-7 172931 helloverilog 2011-8-2 10:23
数字信号处理课件。。。电子工业出版版本 attachment perfection 2009-8-8 41796 helloverilog 2011-8-2 10:19
MIT VLSI 讲义 attachment  ...2 ibmt40 2007-3-16 115589 helloverilog 2011-8-2 09:33
The art of analog layout之翻译版01 attachment  ...23 icad 2006-12-31 216093 helloverilog 2011-8-2 00:10
multisim attachment r65840 2006-12-31 52785 helloverilog 2011-8-2 00:09
清华大学CADENCE讲义 attachment  ...2345 talktogod 2007-8-24 499054 helloverilog 2011-8-2 00:07
Solutions for analysis design of analog IC design_Gray attachment wangjianping 2007-7-11 32479 helloverilog 2011-8-2 00:03
VHDL上机手册 attachment lvbh04 2008-11-6 26254 helloverilog 2011-8-2 00:02
cadence的简单中文教程 attachment lipeng0320 2008-9-25 95240 helloverilog 2011-8-2 00:01
静态时序分析与逻辑 attachment  ...2345 qiezhenhai 2008-9-10 437481 helloverilog 2011-8-1 23:57
rc gui 2 attachment software0 2008-12-26 11670 helloverilog 2011-8-1 23:55
rc gui 3 attachment software0 2008-12-26 21708 helloverilog 2011-8-1 23:54
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