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[求助] verdi创建的.v文件导入报错,求解 attach_img 木石 2017-9-5 54601 Patrick0809 2024-10-8 15:48
[求助] [求助] synopsys的vcs安装有误——/bin/sh: 0: Illegal option -h great_sun 2024-4-20 1609 Patrick0809 2024-10-8 14:50
[资料] 基于FPGA的软件无线电高级培训班的精品资料 attachment  ...2 智慧棒 2011-8-21 194515 zhangming325 2024-10-8 14:21
[资料] 分享大师的作品——SystemVerilog for Verification(3rd) 作者——Chris Spear attachment  ...23 jamesning 2015-5-24 226811 skahill 2024-10-8 13:54
[资料] FPGA-Verilog学习之红外接收解码_红外接收源码 attachment 明德扬教育 2017-8-3 72988 keenboyee 2024-10-8 11:08
Xilinx的FPGA设计全流程:Modelsim-Synplify.Pro-ISE.rar attachment  ...23456..31 chengzhenjun 2007-3-31 30439921 ic886 2024-10-7 22:38
[原创] synopsys的DMAC,需要自取 attachment  ...2 wangli_peking 2023-6-12 193969 clslhy 2024-10-7 22:00
[资料] JESD79-4B,欢迎下载! attachment  ...2 litaoilet 2022-11-24 101629 clslhy 2024-10-7 21:59
[资料] low power design attachment  ...2345 Avalon 2016-1-26 448777 clslhy 2024-10-7 21:55
[资料] synopsys designware ahci sata databook attachment  ...2 sunfire 2012-5-21 168114 clslhy 2024-10-7 21:18
[资料] onfi 5 协议 attachment dreamfly123123 2024-3-28 91448 clslhy 2024-10-7 21:15
[资料] hdmi2.1协议 attachment  ...23 juhuapaul 2020-4-27 2610901 skahill 2024-10-7 19:54
[资料] 【第四版】Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology attachment  ...2 lyoovue 2024-6-25 133078 clslhy 2024-10-7 14:12
[求助] 《数字滤波器的MATLAB与FPGA实现——Altera/Verilog版(第2版)》 attachment  ...2 xiewushuang 2021-7-15 192705 li_john 2024-10-7 11:28
[资料] Verilog设计教程-夏宇闻.pdf attachment tengjiexx 2023-5-6 82122 NANHU_BRUCE 2024-10-6 18:45
[资料] Designing with Xilinx FPGAs_ Using Vivado》 新人帖 attachment  ...23456 lanzhang 2021-1-2 5816465 tomedavid 2024-10-6 11:28
[资料] Advanced HDL Synthesis and SOC Prototyping attachment  ...23 xiaohaolaoda 2021-8-25 265198 zhb9103 2024-10-5 20:18
[资料] Computer Arithmetic--Algorithms and Hardware Designs--2nd Edition attach_img  ...2 kl_upc 2024-5-24 163993 zhb9103 2024-10-5 20:17
[资料] Synopsys和Cadence最新软件网盘分享4(13年11月更新)  ...23456..10 504472832 2013-11-6 9844194 robinfit01 2024-10-5 18:41
Advanced Computer Architecture and.Parallel Processing.pdf attachment  ...2345 ching 2009-3-12 469050 zhb9103 2024-10-5 12:37
AD1853(24bit 192kHz采样速率立体声多比特ΣΔ数模转换器) attachment caoshangfei 2008-3-8 62451 gubels 2024-10-3 23:20
[资料] verilog代码 attach_img 齐天大胜 2024-6-5 6993 cikulangsat 2024-10-3 16:01
[原创] USB Sniffer 一个开源的USB协议analyzer attach_img dodoee 2024-8-14 11564 cikulangsat 2024-10-3 15:54
[原创] VERISILICON_SMIC13_V1.0 attachment  ...23456..8 amonghsh006 2011-7-22 7927322 igolaps 2024-10-2 21:35
Cadence SpectreRF PowerPoint file attachment  ...234 hi_china59 2009-9-7 318982 igolaps 2024-10-2 17:40
[原创] SMIC.18工艺库, 包括IO,STD,PLL等 attach_img  ...23456..10 xdpeter 2013-2-20 9045849 igolaps 2024-10-1 16:25
[资料] ARM 700 Series Doc attachment 半醒 2024-9-30 2561 hitlusong 2024-10-1 13:59
[原创] vivado时序约束编写笔记 attachment  ...23 Baoli 2023-10-14 222452 jsncepu 2024-9-30 20:16
ic前端几本经典书籍推荐 attachment  ...23456..19 chevalier 2006-3-25 18348079 cmmjava 2024-9-30 13:51
[资料] Clifford E. Cummings经典论文合集(更新systemVerilog等) attachment  ...23456..13 foveryoung 2010-10-13 12833123 dreamfly123123 2024-9-30 10:41
[原创] a review of IGBT models attachment  ...2 anjiao 2012-12-15 113599 clslhy 2024-9-30 10:06
[资料] 夏宇闻老师鼎力推荐,最新的Verilog入门教程 attachment  ...23456..10 Newstyle 2016-5-23 9326913 clslhy 2024-9-30 10:04
[资料] 推荐nLint教程一本,欢迎下载 attachment  ...23456..20 flyinmo 2010-6-28 19040844 loisd 2024-9-30 09:54
[资料] Fundamentals of Ⅲ-V devices HBTs,MESFETs,AND hFETs HEMTs attachment  ...23456 informationspy 2010-4-19 5617635 zhangming325 2024-9-30 09:22
[求助] 求Top-Down Digital VLSI Design from MorganKaufmann的电子版 attachment  ...2 dengbo11111111 2023-6-14 142632 love_ee 2024-9-30 00:17
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