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[资料] FPGA设计指南器件、工具和流程 attachment 神殇丶 2019-9-29 61480 cdmxh 2019-11-15 18:46
[原创] Ubuntu12.04 成功安装modelsim10.1经验和资源分享 attach_img hurrywork 2019-3-2 71688 hurrywork 2019-11-14 11:26
ALU设计 attachment  ...23456 adamxiaobao 2006-10-13 5710842 13110525502 2019-11-14 00:38
[资料] 机械工业出版社2010新书试读!〖SystemVerilog与功能验证〗  ...23 eBookMania 2010-10-8 206912 pancs 2019-11-13 10:34
ARM官方综合脚本,很具有参考价值! attachment  ...2345 download003 2008-8-16 4911094 yuxunbigfish 2019-11-12 17:00
Optimization and Verilog coding style attachment semiliu 2009-2-13 52656 pancs 2019-11-12 15:31
[资料] Altera公司的Verilog Coding Style attachment  ...2 ericxgj 2012-5-6 174325 badegg3 2019-11-12 14:18
关于Verilog HDl 综合的书---不错哦 attachment  ...23456..23 yiffer 2005-11-9 22348405 a1050422149 2019-11-11 16:55
[求助] FPGA 能不能访问或控制GDDR5 ym333mmm 2012-3-8 32793 cdmxh 2019-11-11 12:39
好书Springer.CMOS.PLL.Synthesizers.Analysis.and.Design attachment  ...234 santaxy 2008-1-11 387385 badegg3 2019-11-10 20:01
[资料] Altera时序约束培训资料【分享】 attachment  ...23456 jornsnopy 2012-10-11 5311684 紫月蝶舞 2019-11-10 19:55
amba总线协议规范 attachment wisewater 2008-12-29 52142 叹水320 2019-11-9 23:57
施敏的半导体器件物理和工艺书评 attachment  ...23 qingzhilanshan 2008-5-24 235111 sixye 2019-11-9 15:35
PADSPCB教程 attachment magiccore 2009-8-22 41940 peiqingsong 2019-11-9 10:55
[资料] SHE资料 - [阅读权限 255]attachment chendiyi 2019-11-8 194 student321 2019-11-8 19:47
[资料] 深入浅出玩转FPGA 第二版pdf (很好的FPGA学习资料) attachment  ...2 我是山鸡 2015-11-10 133517 yuduqjy 2019-11-8 15:03
[原创] I2C程序用于DE2的Audio CODEC attachment  ...23 guoyu 2010-9-10 288154 tezhi 2019-11-8 14:44
[资料] 几篇关于FIR滤波器实现的论文,各位有需要的自己下吧 attach_img 547925053 2014-12-31 82628 kayjep 2019-11-8 10:04
对数,平方根,A率u率压缩解压运算----IP核包(内有源码) attachment  ...23 xiaohe8696 2007-10-7 297614 diploma 2019-11-7 14:32
[原创] Where can we get the Amba designer keygen? h9f3 2017-10-1 11987 diploma 2019-11-7 13:48
异步电路的低功耗状态机AFSM 的设计与实现 attachment  ...23 ibrotherv1 2008-6-21 205641 小小徐 2019-11-6 10:26
[原创] 8051 IP 核 和80251 IP核 111_ZH 2017-4-27 75011 tmd007 2019-11-6 09:05
[资料] 学起来,嗨起来 attachment fpgawuhan 2016-2-25 21608 loopgain 2019-11-5 10:14
[资料] nlint 22v24 attachment kongfu0813 2017-7-31 62691 530950105 2019-11-4 15:57
hfss 中cpw的端口设置方法 attachment  ...234 chuhui455 2008-9-9 3411796 yexy515 2019-11-4 11:33
[原创] 三星和MT的SD卡verilog与VHDL完整模型 attachment  ...2345 zjllh 2010-2-15 409720 arinc 2019-11-2 16:03
[资料] Design of Cost-Efficient Interconnect Processing Units attach_img cniclayout 2016-9-13 81428 clslhy 2019-11-1 16:00
[求助] 【req】A new structure for block FIR adaptive digital filters tinytera 2019-10-8 21764 haoxchao828 2019-10-30 18:34
[资料] 模拟地与数字地的分割 attachment  ...234 xbc3269 2010-2-1 357754 haoxchao828 2019-10-30 18:30
[原创] ARM Cortex M7 IP  ...2 aaarrrmmm 2017-10-6 134722 tmd007 2019-10-29 13:55
[资料] 美西 attachment ttdownload 2014-2-11 11710 ahcene2035 2019-10-29 04:23
数字集成电路--设计透视部分习题解答 attachment  ...23456..11 yangfunc 2007-10-24 10717662 lazy7811 2019-10-28 16:16
[资料] alint规则库说明文档 attachment hansmmm 2019-7-18 41446 babikambing 2019-10-27 19:37
[资料] Vivado IDE Quick Reference Card 新人帖 attachment yuanli0381 2019-8-31 3986 babikambing 2019-10-27 19:33
[资料] Vivado IDE Project Manager and IP Library attachment yuanli0381 2019-8-31 61680 babikambing 2019-10-27 19:33
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