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【求助】寻找LIN控制器IP Bakoglu 2022-7-11 11999 tracy6969 2023-6-29 12:54
install5.3+scl2020+mgls_v9-22+IScape04.23  ...2 eda2019 2021-12-22 134376 tracy6969 2023-6-29 12:25
一种基于Agilent+ADS的功率放大器输出匹配新方法 attachment zg19851985 2010-11-7 83384 tracy6969 2023-6-29 12:22
信号完整性_电源完整性_电磁兼容的学习视频 ns2030 2022-7-24 31683 tracy6969 2023-6-29 12:21
SGE分布式计算软件下载 attachment tkschip 2017-12-28 63667 li.h.w 2023-6-29 12:16
modelsim10.2 license attachment jackin16 2019-2-28 92386 jackin16 2023-6-29 09:40
High-Speed Digital System Design attach_img  ...2 njust2013 2013-8-6 135061 etsay20 2023-6-29 09:30
【资料】Git for Electronic Circuit Design CAD and Version Control for Electrical Engineers @2022 attach_img  ...23456..14 2046 2022-10-31 13114966 etsay20 2023-6-29 09:28
Ansoft Maxwell 在电磁场中的应用书籍 attach_img  ...23456..12 baijian 2012-12-24 11632768 etsay20 2023-6-29 09:25
ddr3-phy 信号完整性分析 attachment  ...23456..7 cuimingzhi 2010-6-1 6622279 etsay20 2023-6-29 09:00
cadence pcell教程 attachment  ...23456 xiaoyulilin 2010-8-7 5118390 tracy6969 2023-6-29 06:29
分享几个platform lsf管理hfss / cst /feko 仿真计算任务的视频 it2hand 2015-11-4 64609 tracy6969 2023-6-29 06:19
Nonlinear Transistor Model Parameter Extraction Techniques attachment caltech_usa 2019-8-5 72396 tracy6969 2023-6-29 05:10
$DW user guide ② attachment laotui1 2022-8-17 31923 tracy6969 2023-6-29 05:09
qrc打开报错 attach_img quietly90 2021-10-13 32106 andrew_7134 2023-6-28 14:45
CMOS High Efficiency On-chip PowerManagement attachment  ...2 bbqlhq 2012-6-26 115329 tracy6969 2023-6-28 12:47
Platform Load Sharing Facility (LSF) attach_img  ...23 benniwu 2013-1-29 2514119 tracy6969 2023-6-28 12:45
XCELIUMMAIN_18.03.001 attachment  ...2 ee_xie 2019-8-3 136817 krman33 2023-6-28 10:53
C* S1GRITY [Win_Only] attach_img  ...2 shindziharan 2022-12-26 193900 betergan 2023-6-28 09:16
数字IC设计实用综合教程VCS和DC attachment  ...23456..14 zhouguodan 2010-11-26 13431080 tracy6969 2023-6-28 09:11
--------------- attachment sunfire 2021-9-22 44190 tracy6969 2023-6-28 09:10
高定 mrjarod 2022-8-29 51920 tracy6969 2023-6-28 09:09
SIwave中文学习手册 attachment  ...2 osinfo 2015-3-5 115676 tracy6969 2023-6-28 09:07
IC compiler 实用教程(繁体中文版) 新人帖 attachment  ...23 hanqi 2020-7-26 289143 tracy6969 2023-6-28 09:04
模拟射频电路交流 attachment zhangsh2014 2023-3-22 21658 jiangnaner 2023-6-28 08:14
低功耗方法学(Low Power Methodology Manual) attachment  ...234 RainskyXiang 2010-10-16 3212411 tracy6969 2023-6-28 07:22
Design Compiler教程 新手学习必备,辛辛苦苦做出来的! attach_img  ...234 shang91 2012-5-15 3010484 tracy6969 2023-6-28 06:03
Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design, 4th edition attachment  ...23456 ab3028 2016-12-29 5917620 tracy6969 2023-6-28 05:57
沒病毒的 efa licgen用THINAPP 封裝 attachment  ...23 andy2000a 2012-1-13 2814723 tracy6969 2023-6-28 05:52
High-Level Synthesis book(高层次综合方面的书籍) attachment  ...2345 yechangan 2010-7-9 4716296 tracy6969 2023-6-28 05:48
模拟ic设计交流 attachment zhangsh2014 2022-11-22 71474 tracy6969 2023-6-28 05:45
求 synopsys的custom compiler chenjunic 2023-6-9 31548 andrew_7134 2023-6-28 04:56
CadSoft Eagle Professional v5.0带破解 attachment  ...234 serdar 2008-5-8 3012437 tracy6969 2023-6-28 04:16
Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuit Design EDA, Design and Microarchitectures attachment  ...2 hossam_fadeel 2014-10-10 144687 tracy6969 2023-6-28 04:05
悬赏 谁有<<Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition - The Hardware Software Interface, 2nd Edition>>? - [已解决] attachment onearangel 2021-9-12 103133 tracy6969 2023-6-28 04:04
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